
Who gets up this early?

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I got up at 6:30 and feel like dying? Who gets up this early and survives a long day?




  1. i'm up at 6:00 am but it's ok with me because the earlier i wake up more things will be accomplished

  2. I am up at 5am every morning. Whether I like it or not. My body has its own darn alarm clock! Or it could be the birds outside! (I am a light sleeper) But then again everything seems so quiet fresh and clean at that time in the morning. My alarm clock goes off at six. Wishful thinking! I have had my first cup of percolated coffee by then!

  3. 04:30 - go for a run or surf or paddle.

  4. I started waking up at 6:30 in December, it's been a few months, but I finally got my body used to it.  I normally go from about 6:30 A.M. to around 12 A.M.

  5. Lol Honey I use to get up at 4.30 in the morning,I got to work at quater to seven,work until 1,go to college finish at college at 10pm,get home about 12,do my washing get in bed about 1,get up again at 4-30 start work at 7 and finish at 5 in the afternoon,go shopping get home at six cook dinner and pray NOBODY DISTURBS ME ON WEEKENDS!!!!xxxxx

  6. Barend you spoilt man!

    I wake up a few times in the night and probably get about 5 hours of sleep. I personally do wake up at 6:30 (when I'm late) and my son wakes me up at 5am sometimes. Some things cant be helped. We used to wake up at 7 when we had a car... sigh.

    Take in the world from that hour, there's much to appreciate like the silence at that moment and existance of birdies...things we take for granted whilst we go on about our busy schedules...humph!

  7. I get up around 4:30 in the morning

    The main reason is to miss the traffic (this way i save petrol)

  8. I'm up at 5:30 everyday but normally laze for half an hour in the bath before I actually become use full, so lets say 6:00am then.

    I usually survive to about 10pm before exhaustion sets in and I call it a day.

  9. Barend are spoiled!!! I get up at 6:30 everyday and I feel like dying everyday.....I can party till 6:30 but do not tell me to get up at 6:30. Luigat!

  10. I am up with my husband every day at around 5.30am, he goes to work at 6.40am and don't finish work until around 5.45pm! by the time he gets home it's 6.10pm!!! A pretty long day in all.

  11. I used to get up at 6am to go to school. It was ok.

  12. I've always lived near to where I work and can manage to get up at 7 or sometimes 7:30.

    But I know what you mean last week I had to get up at 5.30 to catch a flight. Was horrible!!!!

  13. Last night I went to bed at 1am!! and just got up at 6:30am!

    I drink 2 cups of coffee to keep me going! It does the trick but by the time I get home I just want to die!!

    I think tonight an early night is in order!

  14. When I have to start work at 5 a.m. (!!), then I unfortunately have to get up at 4 a.m.  I can cope with one day like this, but if I have to do it 2 days running, then I am seriously tired during the day. On some days, like before the Christmas rush and before public holidays, we have started at 4 a.m.  Absolute murder !! Each time!  I will never get used to it.  I can cope with getting up at 6 am in the middle of summer, but winter times, 8 am.

  15. I wake up at 3.30am every morning 6 days a week  to work a number of horses in trackwork.

  16. The same reason as cheri. The cats sleep inside for their safety and my peace of mind. Anything from 04:30 on they start moaning to go outside. My hubby gets up at 05:00 to let them out. I sleep until 05:30. Weekends are no different than the week, except that I sleep until 06:00 then. He goes to bed at 21:30 and me at 22:30+/-.

    ADD: Barend, it's a small sacrifice to make, if you take into account how much happiness they bring into your life.

    ADD: LOL. Not a nice experience that.

  17. I usually get up at 05h15  -  can't wait for weekends to sleep a little later, but usually at 06h30 or 06h45 my cat wants her food, so i stand up because she won't quit until she's had her food

    Add : until you've had a cat you don't know what you're missing

  18. I'm up at 05:00 am everyday except weekends, then I get up at 06:00 am. I don't even need to set an alarm anymore.

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