
Who has a VONAGE phone?!?

by  |  earlier

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i need some freaking help! ok well my vonage house phone is also connected to my internet. and sometimes it will the connection light will switch to orange, and i have to mess with it awhile for it to go back to green. but this time it wont, and usually my computer stops working too when this happens. but it still works it just wont come of orange!

and when i pick up the phone it says theres no connection.

ugh its been going on for an hour and a half.

anyone know of anything i may try?





  1. You can try rebooting your internet router, or cable/dsl modem.

    If it still doesn't work, say 10 minutes after you've rebooted them both, call Vonage, and they will walk you thru repairing it, providing your bill is current.

  2. More complete information is needed to diagnose.

    How long have you had Vonage service and when did the problem start?

    Are you using DSL or Cable Internet?

    What model of Vonage supplied adapter are you using?

    Is your Router and Modem integrated, or two separate boxes?

    If you are losing signal to "both" your PC and Vonage phone, then it sounds like:

    - Intermittent Internet signal, or

    - Defective/intermittent Router/connection to Internet

    But, really you should be trying to get help from Vonage first to help diagnose the problem.

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