
Who has a birthday on christmas?

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i do




  1. so does Jesus, if you believe the story. and maybe Santa Claus.

  2. Here are a few celebrity Christmas babies:

    Sissy Spacek

    Barbara Mandrell

    Jimmy Buffet

    Humphrey Bogart

    Sir Isaac Newton

    You can use the link to find more.  :)

  3. My aunt's is the 23rd. People always thought that she didn't get much presents because her birthday was so close to Christmas so they gave her more! So she got twice the presents than my dad did. Lol.

  4. My son's birthday is Christmas Eve.

  5. Lol! i do also i was born december 25,1993 12:03 am!

  6. No but mine is the 28th 3 days after ♥

  7. Mine is 2 days after, and I have a friend whose is on New Years Eve.

    It sucks.

  8. One of my Best friends and another one of my best friend Mum is the 23rd,My Dad is the 26th,My Mums is 27th and someone else I know is the christmas day =].

  9. Jesus

  10. you have a b-day on christmas kool, so do I!!!!!! im 13 years old! i love having a brithday on christmas!!!

  11. NOT Jesus he was born in OCTOBER.

  12. Jesus(well, not really, but that's when we celebrate his birth because no one knows when his b-day really was), my dad was also born on christmas, and my b-days the 13th of Dec, but that's not close enough

  13. My friend's mother's birthday is Christmas. :)

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