
Who has gone on WIC?

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If i go on WIC i heard that they garnish the father's wages. Do they garnish them for me to get the money or does he owe WIC that money? I really want to go on WIC as it will help us both in the formula and baby food area but I dont know what to do. I live in Illinois and he lives in Wisconsin I can't get wi WIC because i'm on my moms insurance and I dont want to change my drivers license to get booted of her insurance cuz it pays almost 90% of hospital bills. What should I do? Please no comments on me being a low life...because you probably do not understand what I'm going through




  1. where i am from in kentucky they will garnish the fathers wages after he is determined to be biological father . i am on wic myself , and believe me it is a huge help . and jsut because you need assistance doesnt mean your a low life.  i have a full time job and all and i get it.

  2. Well my sister has wic and has since she was pregnant with my neice. Just as long as you quailfy you can get it. They dont garnish wages. And wic has nothing to do with your insurance. its just the help people out that need the help. my neice is 10 months old, and her boyfriends wages or any of our families wages were never garnished.

  3. I'm on WIC and at first my husband and I weren't married or living together.  They never garnished his wages.  I don't know if it's different in each state or not.  If you really want WIC and you are afraid of losing your insurance, contact job and family services and see if you can get insurance there.

  4. I still get wic for my son, he is 3 yrs old.. I got wic the min i was pregnant with my first child, i have 3 kids by the way.. I dont think it involves the father, as for me it didnt.. U just need to apply for it and get it.. It shouldnt be a probelm.. Dont u have medicaid for ur baby? Cause when i had my kids i got medicaid thru the hospital and ever since all 3 of my kids have medicaid. And i myself i have medicaid.. Go also to your local department of children and families and apply for it or u can go on line too and apply for food stamp and stuff to help u and ur baby with the food and stuff u need. And as for the wic, ask ur baby's doctor to give u an application for it or go on line and find the nearest wic office.. Am pretty sure they will help u. They help with mothers like us.. Dont worry what people think of u going for help.. And if they think the worst about u, then let them think what they want.. U are doing what u need to do for ur baby.. Goood luck. I hope i helped.. I been thru that before and i know what it is like.

  5. I have been on wic for 5 years+, they do not garnish his wages it is a system made to give you assistance from a preset budget  that has teh funds to back it up. this will not even interfere with foodstamps if you have them and if you dont then you might qualify. I know THUMBS DOWN,.... I KNOW!!!! Ohhh God forbid anyone help anyone else!

  6. You being on your moms insurance has nothing to do with you qualifying for WIC.  As long as you make your food separate from your mom and YOUR income qualifies, then you will get it.  And NO WIC does not make the father or you pay it back...only welfare makes him pay it back.  WIC is funded by the government and is completely free.

  7. I am not under the understanding the garnish wadges..I know when i was put on State insurance they told me they would push for Childsupport weather or not He and I had an agreement or if we were still together because we were no married...a year later still havent gone to court for Child support...but why not call your Wic office and ask

  8. i got wic while i was on my dad's insurance. they go off of your income. no one elses they only look at the father's income if you were married to see if you qualify. not to garnish anyone's wages. you have that confused with welfare and child support. WIC (women infants and children)

  9. We were on WIC with both of our girls.  they do not garnish anyones wages.  they need your paycheck stubs and you have to qualify based on income.  call your local wic office and they should answer all of your questions.  they not only helped with formula, but they weighed the kids and gave us some nutrition advice as we went thru the process.  we now make too much money, but wic is a great program, dont feel like a bum.  in MO formula is covered, cereals - rice and oatmeal and baby juices, not baby food.
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