
Who has made the world?

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Who has made the world?




  1. our ancesters human beings .. we are making it to the futur generation and so on and on

  2. God.

  3. Noone did. and please dont say god.

  4. According to my beliefs and religion, I say God our Father has made this earth and everything that is on it.

  5. Almighty God!!!!!

  6. Sony Corporation

  7. ''GOD''    made the world

  8. The Alpha and the Omega, the omnipotent, omniscient ONe,   and that would be GOD :)

  9. According to the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 1:

    "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (first link below is entire chapter.)

    The more scientists explore the THEORY of evolution, the more even they lean towards creation as the only way the world could have come into existence. (Second link is the creation vs. evolution debate.)

  10. god, then he created bill gates and he perfected it

  11. God

  12. The gravity well created by the collapse of an asymmetric cloud of interstellar dust imparted kinetic energy to a portion of that could and set up the kinetic conditions necessary for terra to coalesce and solidify.

    Ergo, the dust did it.

  13. God of your understanding.  What truely is God to you.  God to me is everything around me the flowers, trees, sky, people, animals.  Find your GOD!

  14. "In the beginning, GOD..."

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