
Who has pet experience

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There is ALOT of bad advice on pets here. So I want to know who really has experience in the animal field? and how many years?




  1. well I sort of do, my dad is the manager of pets department in walmart, and my brother works in the pets department in walmart, and I own 2 guinea pigs and a rabbit, so I know about them at least.. and I volunteer at an animal shelter, does those count?

  2. I've worked in a pet shop for two years. I'm required to do research and exams, and I have picked up extra knowledge from workmates and customers.

  3. i have fish now, indoor and outdoor, along with my dog cats and birds

  4. Im a person to ask about farm animals. Mainly cattle but im pretty clued up about alot of different animals....

    i have occasional work placements and jobs on farms (at the moment im working at a farm) and i have many of these kinds of animals of my own.

    and for how long you ask.... well my whole life :)  !!!!

  5. me :)

    i have 2 boxers, 2 horses, a rabbit, a cat n a few chickens lol

    i have had animals all my life, 19 years :)  

  6. I have had at least one cat all my life. I currently have one rabbit iving outdoors in a hutch and three indoors cats.

  7. Well i am currently working at a veterinarian clinic for experience whilst i finish my last year at school. And at the moment i have eight pets, so i think that gives me some experience..

  8. i have alot of pet experience in animal raising i have had about 50 billion cats and snakes dogs berded dragons hampsters horses goats geese ducks chickens fish i have a lot of experience for almost 16 years  

  9. I don't know what pet experience means, but I've taken care of a dog for 16 years, a cat for 7 years and three chickens for about five months now.

  10. ive had pets for 15 years

    ive had                                    iv got

    horses                                     2 labradors

    goats                                      1 yorkshire terrier

    pheasants                               2 cats

    hens                                        12 ferrets

    ducks                                       2 turtles








  11. dogs only - 5 breeds,  25 years.

    but not extensive experience in breeding

  12. I have about 30 years in pet exp. I will say one thing when your walking your puppy for the first time on a leash don't walk him with your mp3 player in one hand and him in the other because he will take off running and the next thing you will find is yourself tangled up. LOL It happened to me yesterday morning it was so funny. You should have seen it. What was worse on mile 3 the puppy sits down and looks at me as in to say mommy your carrying me back now. LOL I think he had a great nap that afternoon. :-)  

  13. Experienced Cat owner for ten or so years

    Experienced Rodent owner including Gerbils, Hamsters, and Guineas for about six years

    Iggy owner for three years

    I also know the animal cruelty laws back to back, tons of stuff about cat's since I have had numerous magazine subscriptions about cat breeds/diseases/behavior, and I also have reserched on iguanas for a few years before I got one.

    This girl know's a thing or two! =)
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