
Who have seen before a ghost??

by  |  earlier

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where??what you do then??when?




  1. when we were at my mums friends apartment we took a picture of it

  2. Rational people don`t see ghosts , they know what they see and are capable of  interpreting it properly

  3. me my house did nothing a few years ago i saw like an acient egyptian dog headed person with blue skin walk right through the wall in my kitchen

  4. when i was little, i´d always come home to find that the light in my room had turned on.

    every time it was my room

    i thought it must have been a ghost.

    Our whole family was out!

    it was also one of those bedside table lights that only turn on if you touch them with your skin. if you used your sleeve it won´t turn on. i´ve tried before.

  5. Me

    My house

    Stared at it and then went to sleep due to my fear

    4 years ago

  6. I am gifted with a special gift.

    my third eye is active...

    I see them especially in places where it is lonely and without many people...

    What do I do? Nothing... I never mind them... except when I am intimidated because some of them stares at me.

  7. Yes, in my house, I just stared at it, not last night but the night b4.

  8. didn't see, but i swear i felt something was standing there watching me, it was going cold all over.  Never ever felt that before it also felt like i knew that person.  Recently only about two months ago in my backyard, but my dog was with me and she didn't do anything, i am thinkin i made it up/ wind.

  9. Yes, well I think it was a ghost.  It was in my brothers room, he was doing something stupid so I got my camera out to take a photo of him (so I could torment him later with it, cause I'm such a lovley sister ^.^) and I can honestly say I didn't see anything in the room with us, but when I looked at the photo there was a kind of blurrey thing behind him and an extremely bony hand (well, it looks like a hand anyway) right by his face, almost touching him. Oh my, I just got a cold shiver while explaining that haha. Anyway it really freaked me out so I can't go in his room anymore and I'm scared to take photo's in my room just incase theres a ghost in there x] This was uhm.. 2 or 3 years ago ish.

    Oh and another time, none of us could get into my brothers room, so me and him were pushing at the door and it just wouldnt budge, so we assumed it was our other brother, but when we started shouting at him he came out of his own room, so that blew that theory. So anyway, there was the three of us pushing at the door which still wouldn't open. Eventually it took me, my two brothers and my mom to push the door open and when it finally opened there was a porceline clown sitting on the floor facing the door which belongs in the loft (cuz it creeps all of my family out) and a keyboard stand which also belongs up the loft by the door, so I assume it was the keyboard stand wedging the door shut. As you can imagine after that everyone in my house was a bit iffy of his room lol.

  10. Firstly, ghost appear themselves to humans who scream at their first sight. You must overcome them with prayers.

    Throwing salt is most powerful. BTW, if you do not run away from a ghosts, it would dissappear knowing it made a mistake. But thats highly avoidable for ghosts.

    Ghosts are actually spirits entangled with unforgivanable sins and are totally in the Devil's grasp. Destroying a ghost would mean sending it to h**l.

    Everywhere has its guardian or occupant. Just don't disturb it is my choice.




  11. Not me, never!!!

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