
Who heards about this?

by Guest60297  |  earlier

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Did anyone else hear about the UFO/alien sighting in Denver, CO and the footge that a man captured on tape? I saw the video on Larry King Live. It looks real, but I personally don't believe in aliens. They don't exist because it's not scientifically possible. ANyways, what is your take on the denver story?




  1. The still photo shown on Larry King, Fox News, and in other media outlets doesn't impress me too much.  That could be nothing more than a cardboard cut-out of an alien and we couldn't prove  it one way or another.

    The video has yet to be released--the man is trying to sell the footage for a "documentary"  (alien autopsy-style.)

    That, and the fact that any joker with a decent PC can produce realistic fake videos nowadays, is enough to disqualify this guy, in my opinion.

    I'd be careful what you claim is "scientifically impossible" though.  It was "scientifically impossible" to build a self-powered flying machine just 100 or so years ago.  It was "impossible" to go to the moon until we went there.

  2. I just look into it on a couple of websites. I wouldn't doubt if it was setup, but there is a LOT of controversy about it....

  3. A bogus put-on. FAKE!

  4. that looks like fake to me.   i do believe they exist though.  it is possible because i have seen a ufo or two in my time.

  5. I hasn't heards about any of this'. Enlighten us' with a lnk to the footge.

  6. Its fake.

    However, the statement you said that it is not scientifically possible, is completely untrue.

  7. It's stupid

  8. I have heard about this before your post.  I had not seen any video of it however.  That one was particularly crummy.  Someone holding a camera taping the tv show?  Tons better video on youtube.  On one Foxnews clip, the guy who shot the video says it's not being shown because he's trying to sell it or something.  Makes me think all the other ones (some of them are obviously jokes) are bogus.  He also says ridiculous stuff he couldn't possibly know.  Says alien was "youthful".  How could he possibly make that comparison?

    PS:  Most alien enthusiasts claim the government is suppressing alien contact information.  Why are they allowing this if it is real?

    Edit: Here is a much better link to the same footage showed in the posters link.  Turns out, all the good footage is marked "reenactment" (the guy shooting the posters link zoomed in at this time), while the actual pictures they show are crummy.  Sorry to burst your bubbles, but the good footage shown, that everyone thinks is so realistic and "organic" was actually shot to prove it could be faked.
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