
Who here hates fanboys?

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Excuse me, while I raise my hand.

Anyone else?

So basically, what is a fanboy?

Well, allow me to explain.

A fanboy is one who defends, or attacks, with mindless arguments consisting of no valid points and no real substance.


"Teh Wii suckzz"

Want more?

"360 graphiczz are da best!!11"

How about examples for video games themselves?

Well, let's say The Conduit.

A game that nobody has ever played, and won't be released until next year.

However, we have ignorant people such as this guy:;_ylt=Am199RDarchyZ9kGpzFOpel5.Bd.;_ylv=3?qid=20080812160034AAoWUN9

Two things.

1. He's never played the game.

2. He says he knows it's going to suck.

Crazy, I know.

So what can we do about fanboys?

Sadly, not much.

If you argue with them, they just counter your valid points with idiotic outbursts followed by a series of !!!'s and 111's.

So what are your thoughts on fanboys?

And what can we do to eliminate them?




  1. Considering that 99% of Wii games suck, I'd say it's a safe argument. I am not a fan boy, I simply find the Wii to be a mediocre system(I have one)

    by the way, I do hate fanboys.

  2. I hate them and block them.

  3. well everytime i start to argue with a fanboy, i just think this in my head:

    "never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

    then i just give up cause i know they'll never stop.

  4. Lol, R.O.B is a Wii fanboy. All he does is go to the PS category and bash the PS3. I never go to the Wii category and just bash the Wii like he does to the PS3.

    I hate retarded fanboys. Especially ones that post "Why does the (console) suck so much compared to the (console)?"

    I don't know what to do to eliminate them. Hmm...

    EDIT: OMG, there's been WAY too many fanboy questions today. Too many people complaining about the Wii...

  5. Fanboys can be quite annoying. I mean, if you can defend something rationally, then thats all well and good, as long as its rational. Like, just because you dont agree doesnt mean the other person doesnt have a rational idea, just a different opinion.

    But as you said, fanboys have irrational opinions, and will blindly defend their system of choice. A true "fan" will acknowledge the pros and cons of his/her choice system, as well as those of the competitors.

  6. i hate 'em, but there is nothing i can do to stop 'em. but with your conduit statement, it's a double edged sword, how can all these people say it's going to own halo and all other fps's. you should have no general opinion of a game until it's out, unless your stating What you HOPE it will be like.

    ROB is a fanboy as well. he hates on both 360 and ps3's alike.

    it is a common human instinct to have pride and to always want to feel superior, we just can't let it get to our heads

  7. CJG is a fanboy and so is RYAN

    and when they do that I go to the ps3 section and say something bad about it but only when they do it first

  8. a lot of people are fanboys because they only have a 360 ps3 or wii and they dont know what else is out there and they like their console so it must be the best.

    some are because they can only have one console and they try to explain to people that it is the best because they want it to be because its what they have and they want to convince themselves that it is the best by seeing if others believe them.

    some just find one thing about a system that they dont like and hate it because of it.  like maybe since the wii has games for non gamers like wii fit or wii sports then of course it cant have any hardcore gamers games! or if they find one thing they like about their console.  xbox 360 has xbox live and it was the first system to make good online and we pay for it that means its better! friend codes sounds dumb 360 is much bettter.

    or the vast majority are fanboys because they are ridiculously ignorant and clueless

  9. um....this is all pretty g*y. ROB up there bashes "fanboys" and says he goes to the PS3 section and bashes their system when they do something he doesn't that not being a Wii fanboy?

    I've got a Wii myself. I'd also like to have a PS3....and a 360 for that matter.....everyone needs to quit hating on what they don't have....jealousy is an ugly animal...

  10. Haha i knew my real life persona would be fun too, well those people are annoying in different levels because the ps3-360 fanboys attack the wii because it sold more and because of its inferior graphics and the nintendo fanboys are annoying because they defend theyre console with theyre life even though its not that great of a console (its good but not perfect) and theres no way of eliminating them, why? because they are very ignorant people and the world is full of them and they wont stop why? because its always winning winning my stuff its better yours suck and blah blah im a fanboy, thankfully they got us to think for them dont you agree?

  11. I understand what you mean Alex, but you have to remember ALL fanboys, PS3, Wii and 360 fanboys are equally bad. I just block them

    I am by no means saying you're a fanboy Alex, but your wording makes it seem like you're saying that 360 and PS3 fanboys are the only bad ones

    If you look, I am a PS Top Contributor, but I am NOT a fanboy. Therefore I don't want other people thinking I am, simply because I prefer the PS3

    I'm sorry that some PS3 fanboys act ignorant Alex, but I could easily list some, ahem, ignorant Wii fanboys as well.


    Oh please Rob, stop trying to act all innocent, you go to the PS forums and say "PS3 sucks" to almost every question you answer. And don't tell me it's because " Well, they spam the Wii section". MOST of the askers are something like "Can you help me with my PS3?" ( The keyword here is HELP)

    Call me a fanboy if you want Rob, but I don't go to the Wii forums and say "Wii sucks!"

    And CJG doesn't go to the Wii forums and say "Wii sucks!" either, in fact, he's one of the top contributors for the Wii forums ( look at the leaderboards)

    RYAN does though...

  12. I was a fanboy (er, fangirl) for a few months during my freshman year of college...until I realized how dumb I was being. Fortunately for all of us, that was four years ago. There is really no reasoning with them. In Fanboyland, logic does not exist.

    I just do my best to ignore them. If you argue with them, you're just fueling their ignorant fire. They feed on rational thought to energize their outbursts.

    Plus, it helps to remember that 99% of fanboys either A) are insecure teenagers trying to fit in, or B) are socially underdeveloped adults who have yet to move out of that basement.

  13. don't argue with them. it means they've won.

  14. fanboys annoy me severely.

  15. dude do not fuckn ask this. Now there will be more arguements. Hes a fanboy oh I heard CJG's a fanboy. Did you hear that? R.O.B's a fanboy.

    Shut up!! There is no way to eliminate them. As long as there are games, consoles and electronics there will always be fanboys. And who cares if they bash on other consoles. Just ignore them.

    And what if they guy does know its going to suck. Are you accusing its going to own? What are your thoughts. You didnt say anything. For me its just a Wii game and since I dont have a Wii I dont care!

    Here are some facts about the consoles that no one can challenge.

    1.PS3 is the most powerful system

    2. 360 has the most games

    3. Wii outsells 360 and PS3

    4.PS3 uses blu-ray while Wii doesnt have dvd

    5.PS3 needs more games

    6. Metal Gear Solid 4 got a 10

    7. Grand Theft Auto IV got a 10

    8. All consoles have there ups and downs


    10. Finished

    And I go on youtube watch some videos of games and see some fanboys. I commet to them and they comment back. Before I used to comment back but who doesnt? Now I just look at what he/she says and go take care of my computer business.

    Peace, and wouldnt it be cool if Spiderman answered this?


    A lot people answered tha conduit question. I saw someone say Resistance 2 is gonna suck when the first one got a 8.6 and when R2 is gonna use all of the PS3's power. I also saw him someone say something about Halo 3. I never heard of Conduit. Its only one game though it could be big.


    I guess Conduit will be good if they say it but there are so many FPS. Its good for the Wii since it doesnt have a lot but every console has FPS. FPS FPS FPS FPS, FPS FPS.

    Too many man. Sometimes game devs need to make something new. I like that they have Boom Blox on the Wii and Little Big Planet that is pretty new and funny on the PS3. 360 has viva pinata which I think will attract those un-hardcore fans. Its time to get some adventure games back. Now everyone cares about a fps.

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