Excuse me, while I raise my hand.
Anyone else?
So basically, what is a fanboy?
Well, allow me to explain.
A fanboy is one who defends, or attacks, with mindless arguments consisting of no valid points and no real substance.
"Teh Wii suckzz"
Want more?
"360 graphiczz are da best!!11"
How about examples for video games themselves?
Well, let's say The Conduit.
A game that nobody has ever played, and won't be released until next year.
However, we have ignorant people such as this guy:
Two things.
1. He's never played the game.
2. He says he knows it's going to suck.
Crazy, I know.
So what can we do about fanboys?
Sadly, not much.
If you argue with them, they just counter your valid points with idiotic outbursts followed by a series of !!!'s and 111's.
So what are your thoughts on fanboys?
And what can we do to eliminate them?