
Who here likes Ron Paul?

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I am very fond of him and what he wants to do for this country. It's a shame he dropped out, because he was my last hope.

Anyone feel the same?




  1. Not me.  I don't know too much about him.

  2. I really think Ron Paul did the country a disservice this summer when he declined the offer when the Libertarian Party all but begged him to take their nomination.  Noted douchebag Bob Barr is polling at 6% on the Libertarian ticket this year.  With the momentum he had, Paul might have been able to push that number over the 15% needed to force his way into the debates.  He really could have started something great.

    (EDIT to Drew: Barr's VP is Wayne Allen Root. He was picked several weeks ago.)

  3. I am a supporter of Ron Paul, but I recognize that the "revolution" goes beyond Ron himself.  Ron may not be President during this term (and may never be), but he has inspired many people to run for public office and I believe that if we keep voicing our position, we will eventually be heard.  Dr. Paul is a true patriot.  

  4. I do, and did, but it seems we have only, and have had only 2 parties to vote on. When a candidate is and was completly ignored like Ron Paul was. Why waste anymore money on campaingning, so much money involved in the matter anyway. When so many are losing their jobs, their retirement, and even their homes, they worked so hard for, and payed on for years. He was alot of our hopes, and alot of us are gonna write him in anyway. The reason I am, is because even though one of my states candidates died before our governor election. We the People in my state voted for him anyway, and he won. So his wife took his place, and served out his term for us, til the next election. Talk about making history, that was a first and only.LOL Anyway, I still see alot of Ron Paul signs still standing in alot of yards, in a 172 mile radius of my home, in my state, more than any of the other 2. So you are not alone mf. I clean offices in that 172 mile radius once a week, is why I know they are there, meaning the signs. lol

  5. Yep, he's a great man, a true patriot.  I voted for him in the primaries.

  6. I do. I'll write him in if he'll file the one page form to have my write in vote counted in Ca.

  7. Lol nobody really talked about Ron Paul.

    Dunno why he was so far back.

  8. We are really in a minority, but I like Ron Paul, a lot, and he might not have dropped out if people took the time to know more about him.

  9. Well,I only liked why he was against the war.It actually was better than anything a Democrat or Republican could come up with. On other things,he was a bit to radical for me. Smart man,but just not the right ideas that I agree with

  10. I didnt research him well until after he dropped out and I am kicking myself for it.

  11. I like and admire Ron Paul, and I supported him in the primary.

    I plan to support McCain-Palin in the general election (tough choice between that and Bob Barr).

  12. I voted for him in the primaries.

  13. I still see him as a great inspiration. I liked, and still like, him a lot. But, Ron Paul said it wasn't about himself, it was about spreading the message. He has awoken millions of people, that has touched a nerve, and those people will likely elect Constitutional obedience back in DC, or run for office. He was a true hope, but you will see more coming in the future. It IS NEVER over.

  14. Dr. No, I love him. I hope Bob Barr asks him to be his VP nominee. That should give libertarians some considerable numbers.  

  15. I did like a lot of what he had to say. However he did not want to have a strong country.  

  16. I have a gut feeling he withdrew because he wants true patriots to stand and deliver...not focus on an office with fewer powers than the Congress and for which we have no direct vote.

    Had he stayed in, he'd very likely have been endlessly skewered over the mainstream media fire-pit, proven himself in spite of them, been elected and then? ...

    Then, true to form, every imperfect thing that occurred during his tenure would be blamed on his actions and decisions as if we had a monarchy.

    He's too smart for that.


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