
Who here really believes in ghosts?

by  |  earlier

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if shve any of you had any experinces? and or have u ever lived a house that u think is/was haunted?

if so post ur storys here please.




  1. I believe. I don't have a fascinating story but a couple years ago I went to visit my sister at her new place and I spent the night on the couch. Early in the morning I kept hearing the front door handle rattling. Half asleep, I looked to see it turning but  kept telling myself that my sister's husband was going to walk in any moment from taking the dog out to go to the bathroom. This went on for quite some time. I even checked to see if it was windy out and there was no wind. At the time, it wasn't a big deal to me and when I finally got up I went about my day with no worries. That night my sister and I were flipping through channels when I came across Ghost Hunters. I nonchalantly said ( more as a joke ) " By the way, you have a ghost in your house." To which her face went pale and she said, " I wasn't going to say anything to you because I know you are a big chicken but what happened." I told her my story and she said ever since she started remodeling her new place she wakes up every night to a loud repeated bang like the sound of blinds hitting the window seal on a windy night. She gets up and checks and nothing going on. She'll go back to sleep and wake up to the same thing. She's asked her husband if he's heard and he can't. Her dog will also get up and leave the room to go stare and growl at a random wall in the house.

    It's not much but that's the one thing that's happened to me. Even if it wouldn't of happened, I still would have believed. There's just too many awesome stories!

  2. Yes, I believe and I think just about every house that I had lived in were haunted.  weird thing is that I wasn't the only one who thought so, too.

  3. Yes - What is it with kids and cellars?

    I stayed at a little hotel and got a strong feeling - and flashes of terror and a door with light around it. I found the door and I actually started crying the emotion was that strong. I asked the landlord if he has strange things happen in the cellar - and he quietly said yes - pipes get knocked off and switched about. I asked for a drink - and got the wrong one!

    I also stayed overnight in a student house - that we were the only ones left due to half term. I locked up - outer door and a big glass inner door. I awoke to heave boots running downstairs - 4 bounds  threough the hall (but sounded like our room) - large door slammed (as if it were open) then 2 seconds later the outside gate clanged. I thought we'd been burgled - I checked the doors - both still locked.

    Another time staying at an old mansion my family rented, my partner was pushed downstairs twice. There were at least 3 active spirits in there, and lots of residual stuff - 2 dogs, accidents in the yard and wash area - quite an amazing ammount.

  4. When i was little, I would sleep sometimes in my mom's room.  One night I heard footsteps outside the door, but they were footsteps on carpet...really soft.  They came up to the bedroom door and stopped and turned around and went the other way, and then came back like he was pacing or something.  Then a few years later I told my mom about it and she said that it was our house ghost, and it had been there for years.  I asked  if she named it, and then we both blurrted out "George" at the same time.  And then all of the sudden, the light fixture in the hallway fell from the ceiling and crashed on the floor.  We both were white as ghosts ourselves.

  5. YES!!!

    i do believe in ghosts!!

    and one time my neighbor died

    he hanged himself...

    well anyways- That night i was sleeping and i woke up in the middle of the night cause i heard this weird noise;


    i look over and in the corner of my room there was my neighbor (a ghost) hanging from the ceiling!!

    i was SO scared

    i blinked really fast thinking i was imagining things and when i opened them again he was gone

  6. Totally I mean, people can't say they are figments of your imagination especially if the same ghost was scene 5 times

    Example: May stays the night at an INN See's a purple haired ghost with a green shirt one

    Joe has not been informed of a ghost in this INN or how it looks

    He sees A purple haired ghost with a green shirt

    They both get interviewed on the same TV show and they both describe the same thing without being informed of each others observations

    I seen it happen used diff names

    this isn't a coincidence because a usual sighting would be blacked haired white gowned person but with these different features it would be hard to catch the same figment of imagination..

  7. I began as a believer and spent a good deal of effort attempting to reinforce that belief.  However, based on a complete lack of evidence for the existence of ghosts I was forced to reconsider my position.

    Note that my perspective is evidence-based.  Should evidence for the existence of ghosts surface I will happily reassess my position once again.

  8. nooo not really

  9. I believe, and my experiences are far too many to list here.  I look at those experiences as gifts.  There were a few that were scary, but I do not live in that house anymore.  The house I live in now is much older and the ghosts are very protective.  I need to research its history more to put names to the faces.

  10. I believe in ghost and all of that stuff.

  11. yeah i do because about a few years ago i seen a old woman at the top of the stairs in my house and i told gran about it and told her the description and she says it matched the decription of a old woman that used to live in my house a few years back and another time i seen a dog and it also matched a decription of someone/thing that used to live in my house

  12. I do

  13. I totally belive in ghosts but they shouldnt harm you, theyre just lost! I've seen many in my church, so i'm not scared. Evil spirits can't go in a church! Plus i know if a ghost is near because my eyes will water heavily and my hair wil friz..... cool, huh?

  14. Yes,

    The house I live in now & the one before both have spirit activity in them.

  15. i dont really know if i beleive in ghosts. i lived in this house like 2 years ago....i had my friend stay the night and the door kept on slamming and opening slightly and slamming again. im sure it wasnt my mom or dad-i know it was a ghost! we were sooooooooo scared. we decided that wed stay up ALL night to see everything that was happening.....anyways, we stayed up until about 3 in the morning and nothing happened since. not a very good story but its a story. lol mkay ☺

  16. I've had so many, I couldn't list them all.  I started seeing ghosts when I was a kid, but was told I had an overactive imagination.  Since then, 2 of my last 3 homes had some type of paranormal activity.  My son and his fiance live in a haunted house that's really freaky!  My last house had a spirit that was very mischievous.  We would come home to find every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen wide open and the faucets in both bathrooms & kitchen turned on full blast.  It would also hide things from us, and would always sit an ashtray in the middle of our bed.  My home before that had a mean one in it; it would try and trip us going up the basement stairs, and we would hear it clomping up and down the steps late at night.  My daughter and son-in-law had 2 ghosts in their old house.  The girl's name was Lucy, and her room was in the attic.  She was a very unhappy little girl, but she loved pink; she showed me her favorite pink dress and had a pink spread on her bed.  There was a little boy in the fruit cellar in the basement; he would get locked in there as punishment and he hated it!  My paranormal group does investigations, and a local restaurant here in town is extremely haunted.  We use it as our "training center" for newbies to the group.

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