
Who invented Allah (swt) and when?

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Who invented Allah (swt) and when?




  1. Allah is one and only god .. he has no creator, father, mother, wife, son or companion!! .. he is the creator of everything !!

    Allah exists whether u like it, believe it or not !!

  2. A Muslim believes in Allah's predestination of all things and events (Qadhaa), His decree (Qadar), His wisdom in His actions, and His will. Nothing in the universe can occur, even the voluntary actions of His slaves, except after Allah's knowledge, and His decree of that event. A Muslim further believes that Allah is Just in His predestination and His decree, Wise in all of His actions. His wisdom follows His will: Whatever He wills is, and whatever He does not will is not. There is no power nor any movement except by Allah. This is substantiated by the textual and logical proofs which follow:


    Allah (glory and praise to Allah) informed us of this in the Qur'an:

    Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine Preordainments of all things before their creation, as written in the Book of Decrees Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz). [Qur'an 54/49]

    And there is not a thing, but with Us are the stores thereof. And We send it not down except in a known measure. [Qur'an 15/21]

    No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz), before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allâh. [Qur'an 57/22]

    No calamity befalls, but with the Leave [i.e. decision and Qadar (Divine Preordainments)] of Allâh, and whosoever believes in Allâh, He guides his heart [to the true Faith with certainty, i.e. what has befallen him was already written for him by Allâh from the Qadar (Divine Preordainments)], and Allâh is the All-Knower of everything. [Qur'an 64/11]

    And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record. [Qur'an 6/59]

    Evidence also in: Quran 9/51, 7/43, 21/101, 18/39, 81/27-29

    The Prophet (saws) has informed us about the reality of Allah's predestination and decree in many hadith:

    "Verily, each one of you is formed in his mother's womb forty days as a drop, then he is something suspended for a similar period, then he is a piece of flesh like a chewed piece of meat for another period of forty days, then the angel is sent to insert the soul. This angel is ordered to record four things: the sustenance which he will receive during his lifetime, the length of his life, all actions that he will do, and whether he will end up miserable (in h**l) or joyous (in paradise). I swear by the One other than whom there is no deity, one of you may do the works of the people of paradise right up until there is only an arm's length between him and paradise, but his destiny overtakes him, so he does the actions of the poeple of the fire and enters it. And, verily, one of you may do the works of the people of h**l until there is nothing between them and h**l except for one arm's length, but his destiny overtakes him, and so he does the works of the people of paradise, and enters it." [Muslim]

    "Young man, I will teach you some words: Preserve (your obligations toward) Allah and He will preserve you. Guard (your obligations toward) Allah, and you will find Him on your side. When you ask, ask Allah. When you seek aid and succour, seek it from Allah. And know, that if the entire nation got together to benefit you in some way, they could never benefit you at all except for that which Allah had already decreed for you. And, if they all got together to harm you in some way, they could do you no harm except for that which Allah had already decreed for you. The pens have been lifted, and the tablets have dried." [At-Tirmidhi, and he rated it Sahih]

    "The first thing which Allah created was the pen. Then, He said to it: Write. It asked: My Lord, what should I write? He said: Write the proportions of all things up until the Hour." [Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, and it is hassan]

    "Adam disputed with Musa. Musa said to Adam: "O, Adam, you are the father of the human race, Allah created you with His hand, and blew into you of His spirit, and made His angels prostrate to you, why did you expel yourself and us from the garden?" Adam said to him: "You are Musa whom Allah favored with His speech, and wrote for you the Taurah with His hand, so (tell me) by how many years before my creation did you find it written about me: [... then Adam disobeyed his Lord and got lost.] (Qur'an 20:121)? Musa said: "By forty years." Then, Adam said: "So how do you blame me for something which Allah had decreed for me before my creation by forty years?" The Prophet said: "And so, Adam defeated Musa in the dispute."

    "Act, for each of you will find easy that for which he was created." (Muslim)

    "O, Abdullah ibn Qais, should I not teach you a word which is one of the treasures of paradise? (It is to say): There is no movement nor any power except from Allah."

    "Someone said: That which Allah wants and you want. To which the Prophet (saws) replied: That which Allah alone wants." [An-Nasaa'i, and he rated it sahih]


    Reason does not reject the idea of predestination and decree and of Allah's wisdom and His will. Just the opposite, reason demands that this is the case without doubt because of the clear evidences of it in the universe around us.

    Belief in Allah and in his perfect might and power demands the belief in His predestination and His decree, His wisdom and His will.

  3. Allah was originally called Baal. It is not the same God the Jews and Christians worship.'al

  4. If you are really serious for getting the answer, then you should do some research on the internet before asking the questions here.

    May I recommend something to read?

    Who Created the Creator?


  5. Allah was never invented, he was always there.  

  6. It was initially the name of one of the pre-islamic arab gods:

  7. Allah created everything

    so therefore no person or thing created him

    he created everyone an every thing on this earth

    he has been there

    and will be there forever

  8. Allah means God, so I guess the first people sitting around a fire invented it  

  9. An idiot in the 7th century

  10. Muhammad invented Allah.  It was a way for him to become a leader and control the people, and get them to fight for him.  He promised them s*x toys in heaven.

  11. Allah was invented 1400 years ago, before this he was a statue.

  12. Allah has always existed. He is my Lord and your Lord.

  13. lol @ these questions........ im gonna stop givin serious answers to them lol

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