
Who is Segundo Galilea?

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Anyone have a link to his Biography?

I can't seem to find him on the net :(

Thanks in Advance :D




  1. Segundo Galilea always emphasizes that Christian spirituality is, in its deepest core, a mística ("mystique"). This mystique is the "why" and "whereby" of what we do and how we live, that which gives our life and activity its motivation, its force and dynamism, its deepest meaning. It is those values and basic personal attitudes that generate our life's options. Our spirituality provides the evangelical "why" of our Christian personal, social, and political options.

    For Galilea, the spirituality-mystique with which Christians live the demands and tasks of their faith is always lived within a certain historico-social context. It is therefore not independent of the historical, social, and cultural dynamic of the "place" in which that spirituality is shaped. Thus the "signs of the times" of Latin America deeply affect the spirituality of the Latin American church. The Spirit acts in Latin American society and history, in its values, in its aspirations, in its ideals and historical tasks, insofar as they are convergent with the values of the kingdom of God.

    Segundo Galilea (what a wonderful name-- Second Galilee!) is a Chilean pastor and writer whom I had the great blessing of studying with at St. Bernard's Institute in Rochester NY one summer in the 80's. One of his little books, which I commend to the reading of those interested in this discussion of "evangelism", is his "The Beatitudes: To Evangelize as Jesus Did."

    For Galilea, the evangel is the activity of Jesus himself, carried on in the church today: its ingredients therefore are those of Jesus' own evangelism: so we must preach the God who saves, who liberates, and our evangelization must bring about incarnate rescue (not merely promise extraterrestrial or post-funeral rescue), here in our history, cultures, aspirations, our whole reality; it must transform individuals and groups, families, and societies into justice-doing people and justice-doing communities; it must be directed to those most in need, most marginalized, most de-humanized.

  2. He is a priest of the Archdiocese of Santiago, Chile and one of Latin America's most respected theologians.

    He has written a lot of books ... you might find more info on him in the library. Maybe try Amazon too.

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