
Who is the best insurance company?

by  |  earlier

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ive looked at :-

esure, direct line, morethan, swiftcover,, admiral, elephant, sheilas wheels, swinton, diamond.




are the cheapest.... im looking for about £35 pounds per month and they were able to quote that.

im female, 27 clean licence.

ive heard elephant diamond, and admiral are the same company?

ive had a look and have seen bad customer reviews about most of them to be honest.

who is the best if u want cheap car insurance?

please adviSe?




  1. esure or state farm

  2. I've recently discovered that a lot of insurance companies now won't insure you unless you know the name of your car alarm. Since mine came with the car I didn't know it, therefore a lot of the insurers refused to insure the car.

    I actually tried Asda and they came out the cheapest which is a very rare occurance for the type of car i have, and they didn't need to know my alarm type.

    If you know your security devices by name, then i found More than was cheap, but asda was cheaper!!!

    Especially if you want to add on a protected no claims which is always a good idea

  3. Using the SE like google or yahoo to get some hints first if you want to obtain the massive information,if you do not want to spend too much time,here is a good resource for your reference about your questions.

  4. i prefer leaving it in a sock under the bed..

  5. Best company in what sense?

    No single company can be declared the cheapest for everybody. Most companies will have their market. Some are cheaper than others for young drivers, some are cheaper than others for sports cars, some are cheaper than others for old people who drive with one hand and whistle God Save The Queen whilst negotiating a roundabout.

    My point is that everybody is different so no one company is the best for everyone. It's all about finding the best one for YOU!

  6. go to and see which company is the best. they get you a quote from about 7 different companies in the area. its awesome.

  7. I always use Direct Line both when I was in the UK and now I'm in Spain

  8. You never know until you have had an accident. i was with Churchill went i was hit almost head on and they were fine.

  9. "Who is the best insurance company?"

    The one that pays the most out, in the fastest time, with the least amount of hassle, when you have to make a claim.

    Of course, you won't know that, UNTIL you make a claim.  Which is why insurance is such a gamble...

  10. You may pay more to a good insurer but if you go for a cheapo check VERY carefully what is covered and how much the excess is. Mine is with MoreThan who were the Royal when I first insured a motorbike some 55 years ago and I have found them as cheap as anyone for the same cover.

    BTW I may have turned 70 but I still drive reasonably fast and watch out very carefully for young idiots who think they know what they are doing!


  11. state farm

  12. Sorry - it's up to you to read each insurance policy and decide if the cover it provides meets your requirements.

    It's also up to you to ensure that all the information you have put in to get the quotation is correct and that you have not omitted any material facts.

    It's also up to you to find out which insurance company will look after you best should you have to make a claim.

    Or you could go and visit your local high-street insurance broker and get some professional advice. After all - when you need to make the claim - it is too late if you've made a mistake.

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