
Who is the best learner?

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Who is the best learner?




  1. One who is inquisitive, thinks outside the box, is constantly seeking information.  Will not settle for answers like >> that's just the way it is.

    Is open minded.  Carefully considers all options.  Is not quick to make a decision on complex issues.  

    Is well read.  Has a propensity to be a compendium of a lexicon.  Can easily elucidate for one's edification.

  2. The one with the best teacher.

  3. A person who is inquisite about the things around him.

  4. There are different ways people learn, i.e. visual, tactile, repetition, etc.

    One person may not be about to read and learn about financial data but can figure out how to tile a floor without ever reading a single word.

    Another person may be able to study politics but couldn't install a garbage disposal if given all the time in the world.

    Edison said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."

  5. Already some great answers here, but let me add my slant.

    Children learn fast, they soak up knowledge like a spouge.

    That is because they are motivated, and have good role models, both parents and peers.   They learn by playing games too, and that's fun.

    Older people, teens can learn fast too, if they remember the lessons of childhood.  Be motivated to "grow up" by learning the skills of adulthood, and stay focused on a goal, any good goal, like going to college, joining the miitary, or even raising a family someday.

    Hope this helps, as we can't get to where we want to go, unless we learn what it is, and how to get there the easiest.

  6. I need to learn that...........

  7. The best learner is the one that listens.  Can't learn anything running off with the mouth.

  8. children

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