
Who is wrong in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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I was at work peeing at the urinal and my boss was peeing next to me. At one point i decided to have a little fun. So I said to my boss "hey boss do you what the prime minister of france does to his wife when he wants her to make him breakfast?" my boss said "what?" and I said "this!" and I swung round and pped all over his leg! I thought he would crack up laughing but he pushed me into the urinal and called me an a**hole! Who do you think was right in this situation and how would u have reacted if u were my boss?




  1. Hmm. Let's be the boss here. I walk into the bathroom from a hard day's work. I want some peace and quiet while i use this particular urinal. Hmm, why is an employee  talking to me NOW? Ahh nevermind. I'll listen to his joke. Yes, why I wonder.


    I can't believe this man just did what he did! Now I gotta clean these. I JUST GOT THESE DA**IT.

    Case closed. Next time, watch where you aim that pistol. You end up doing more damage with that than you think would happen.

  2. Excuse me, but you intentionally urinated on a man's (your boss no less) pants leg  while next to him in the restroom and you need to know who is in the wrong ?

    You are clearly in the wrong here...Intentionally peeing on a man's leg is an insult and is rude in the extreme.

    You are in no position for an apology. Very few would accept an apology over that. You likely now have an enemy for life.

    The only excuse you could use that makes any sense would

    be to tell him that you are from a foreign country where peeing on your buddy leg is a sign of comradery !!!

    But I doubt he would buy into that one, maybe it is worth a shot !!! - lol.

  3. ah hahahahahahaahahahahahah. Hahaahahahahahahahahaha

    Sorry but it's not the incident which cracks me up but it's the fact that after whatever happened, you still have the nerve to ask who is wrong here??? ah ahahahahahahahahaha

    Well I was in your boss's place, I would have made sure you never get to pee in that urinal again (Fired you)

    If you would have tried to justify your actions later on, I would have made sure you never get to pee again in any urinal ever (if you know what I mean)

    Hahahahaah. Man I love your question.

  4. I would have done the same.

    You have to respect bosses.

    No one wants someone's gross pee all over them

  5. That was completely unwarranted and inappropriate. Granted, I'm female, so i don't know too much about what goes on in urinals, but frankly, if i were your boss, i would have fired you.

  6. Yeah like you really pissed on your boss! Nice try at ruffling feathers, it's pretty funny to see what some dumbasses write to guestions on here some people are just so

  7. um I think i would have gosh I dont know that is the stupidest thing you could have ever would have been fired if I was your boss...buh by

  8. I'm not a guy but I think you were wrong in this situation and I would have reacted the same way as your boss! Its never fun to get pee on your leg!! Thats horrible!

  9. I would have punched you in the face.

  10. I will fire you because you soiled my nice pants and disrespected me. Maybe if your joke was very funny, I'll give you a second chance but that is not funny at all.

  11. Reverse the situation for a moment and think about how funny it would be to have someone pee on your leg.

  12. Dude you don;t pee on your boss, you fling poo!

  13. You mean he didn't fire you yet?

  14. I would have sent you back to Pre.k.Grow up.

  15. you are the one who's wrong..if i were your boss i'd fire you on the spot..and your boss was right..YOU ARE AN A**HOLE JERK!!!

  16. ok wow.. that is just wrong.. you should never have done that. please go apologize to your boss because yes, you are an a**hole. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ANYBODY??? ESPECIALLY TO YOUR BOSS?!?!?!?

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