
Who is your favorite president?

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heres a question for some people who like history. tell me your favorite president, and why you like him so much. mines george washington.




  1. George Washington

    bc he had no example to follow and still came out on top

    he surrounded him self w/ different ideas (cabinet)

    he served his country faithfully

  2. George Washington cause he was the first president! He was a better president than Bush!

  3. Thomas Jefferson; he had the foresight to secure the Louisiana Purchase, and the backbone to stand against the Barbary pirates when all the 'great powers' of Europe were happy just to buy them off.

  4. Ronald Reagan was awesome. he did what he said, and he meant what he said.

  5. Kennedy.....A dawning of a new America, an America of equality.

  6. mine's Abraham Lincoln coze he was acting so poor during his presidency time... The man who was cleaning his own shoes without anyone's support...


    I admire him as the greatest president ever!

  7. bush

  8. washington.  

  9. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Truman, are just a few.  

  10. Thomas Jefferson

    Aside from slavery, for the most part, he really enforced and live the ideology that set the revolution (and America) into existence. The Louisiana Purchase was a good call as well.

    I don't like how GW gave rise to the Treasury via Hamilton. He set some bad policy from the onset. TJ truly opposed this as it should have been.

  11. I agree with you. The ORIGINAL G.W.!

  12. bill clinton

  13. washington...nixon  and i think abe was hot!!! :)

    lol j.k. :)

  14. teddy rosevelt

    george washington


  15. Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan both embodied the best attributes of this great country.

  16. All of my favorite presidents were assassinated because they were demorcrates... The good ones always do by religious freaks.

  17. Harry Truman because he meant business.

  18. 1 Jimmy carter

    2 T Roosevelt

    3 FDR

    Put Washington into most interesting person.  

  19. lincoln

    b/c of whitest kids you know

  20. Bill! The economy!

  21. In my lifetime, Ronald Reagan.

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