
Who is your inspiration in life?

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and why? :D




  1. The Uniformity in Diversity

  2. Jesus. Because He saved me

  3. my teacher-he is my mama,my elder brother ,my friend and firstly & lastly my yeacher.He showed me the right path to follow.i got to know this world through him only,what kind of peoples u meet in this outer world.And most importantly i love him,i respect him and i know i can blindly follow him.The way his life turned and everything he tolds me to face everything....................what is right what is wrong?

  4. my family

    they looked after me when i was small

    i love them very much

  5. Michael jackson.. he is amazing

  6. God, he promised a hope for a future.

  7. My daughter, bravest of the brave, she suffers pain with every physical step she takes, but she is my inspiration & will continue to be until the day I die.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  8. i don hav a specific inspiration in ma lyf as in at times i get inspied by sm1's advise n d other moment by sm gud song n smtime my failure inspires me d most...and smtime wen sm1 exalts my work i get inspired 4 working more harder...

  9. The inspiration in my life at the present time is one of my professors at the university.  He is my mentor, my research director, my teacher, and my strongest advocate on campus.  I've told him a few times that when I grow up I want to be like him. ;-]  It's funny because we are very close in age and I've been able to establish a personal as well as a professional relationship .... I call him my big brother, 'cause I never had one and always felt vulnerable because of that.  With my professor's guidance, gentle instruction, and positive support, I feel as if I will make it through the program whereas before I was really doubting it.  He's my inspiration because he cares about me as a student and mentoree, and has made a tremendous difference in my life and outlook on life.

  10. My best friend. He saved my life.

  11. George Bush

    Robert Mugabe

    Napoleon etc etc

  12. I think this is the dreams of creating a good family, being a good father and husband of course. How old-fashioned, isn't it?  

  13. God, Jesus (Yeah the same but He was God made human), my paw-paw, & John Wayne (the actor).

  14. Mahatma Gandhi, because, a single man gave independence to the worlds first democratic country, his principles made British bow and leave the country. He was a follower of Peace, he introduced the Satyagrah to the world, and showed that a country can be freed by non violence.

  15. my dad and my religious holy book

  16. my kids

  17. God, because he gave his son and forgives us over  over.

    Jesus, because he dealt with such abuse & did not retaliate

    Granny, so abused & so foregiving

    Grandma, so content

    Big Papa, Created a family legacy

    And many imperfect people who achieved "in spite of"

  18. Can't it be a "what"? Because my inspiration in life is life itself.

  19. my dogs.

    -i know it sounds crazy,but everytime I look at them, I hope to be as pure and innocent as them one day.

  20. Inspiration comes in many forms....For me, the Christ is my ultimate inspiration...I look to Him for everything now...

    When I was younger, I thought my parents were the best inspirations i could ever possibly get. I love them very much. But as I age, I am beginning to see them as extremely human, full of faults.

    The people i love have are only human, and as such have all let me down from time to time. Only God is worthy of my complete admiration, as he would never let me down,

  21. Love.. it changed me. It made me to love all.

    Even though she is not with me now.. She made me love everything. She amplified ability of love in me. I started with her… and now

    I became more happier. I am more proud of my country..  

  22. leonard wooley

    he was such a cool dude

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