
Who killed more Americans?

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Who killed more Americans?

The terrorists of 9/11 or Bush & friends (the war in middle east) (soldiers)?

Also if someone has exact numbers.




  1. both bush and 9/11 he knew about the attack that is why he was "playing golf" Reagen was a Republication but he would not allowed this (9/11) to happen remember what he had done when the

    night club (america night club) was bomb by   Lebanon

    even john kennedy would have not let this happen bush will go down in history as the worse president we ever had

  2. Since the question is trying to make a statement,neither is the correct answer.Infact...its the Civil War,over 500,000 dead.Americans killed themselves more than anyone else,pretty weird eh?

    As a teacher at my school said,US military can protect us from any force on the planet,but not ourselves.

  3. The Iraq war has killed way more troops than people who were killed on 9/11. When you look at these numbers it makes you ask, what have we really accomplished?

  4. what killed more americans?...pearl harbor or WWII (FDR went to war).

    I feel like reaching through my lan cable and strangling the h**l out of you.

  5. The Civil War killed more Americans.  Both sides were Americans, and we killed each other off.

  6. Reports last summer by the State Department and a consensus of America's intelligence agencies both concluded that Americans are less safe and less secure than before 9/11. So, the number of Americans killed because of Bush Administration policy is still a work in progress.

    And, Bush shares at least some blame for 9/11. After all, he was the one that received the CIA report entitled "Bin Laden determined to attack in US" informing him that Al-Qaeda might hijack aircraft to attack America's major financial (New York) and political (Washington) symbols.

  7. Difference... the soldiers signed up for a job where they were willing to put their lives at risk.  The folks at the WTC signed up to be accountants and secretaries and lawyers and janitors.  

    I'd rather have an M-4 and a kevlar helmet and face a hajji with an AK than to have a pen and a necktie and face an airline.  

    Peace is not always the answer.  

  8. well, considering that bush didn't shoot the soldiers, 9/11 did. however, if you mean the Iraq war, then Iraq did

  9. How many of those soldiers would not have died if people like you had not encouraged the enemy to keep fighting?

    How does it feel to be a cheerleader for terrorists?

  10. What does that have to do with anything.  How many Americans had Hitler killed prior to WWII?  How many more Americans died in the Pacific fighting the war than died in Pearl Harbor.  How many Americans died in Viet Nam because of Democrats wanting a war?

    Terrorists struck at the heart of America.  The cost of allowing that to continue unabated would be far more than the cost of deposing their supporters and erasing them from the face of the Earth.

  11. Obviously Bush AND CONGRESS.

    Remember, Congress, led by democrats Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, has given Bush 100% of everything he has asked for.

    And, Obama has said he'll shift troops from Iraq to Afghanistan.

    Jazzie - Bush was at an elementary school when 9/11 occurred. Once the second plane hit he was put on Air Force 1 and flown to a secure location, according to federal disaster plans.

  12. yea but dont forget, we lost about three quarters of the american soldiers we lost in the war in civilians on 9/11 and if we didnt engage the insurgents in iraq in afghanistan, we could still be losing 3000 a day like we did on 9/11, we need to stay in and get the job done, a vote for obama is a vote for osama

  13. Soldiers signed up for the job! They chose to put their lives at risk and thank god we have them!

    Go play in traffic.

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