
Who likes the west tigers?

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who likes them but hates benji marshal




  1. they're not bad but i don't like him he's a bad player

  2. Benji is so overated, whats the point of having a player who cant get involved cause he is made of glass, he is a liability in defence and i am looking forward to opposing tems running at him all day...haha

    if you want to find a great palyer in the tigers team, start with Robbie thats a whole nw story...and a positvie story at that:)

  3. 1.tigers suck

    2.benjis over rated

    3.benjis a biscut

    4.benji never runs it straight now won the 2005 grand final because it was a flook and you had a sick *** player scotty prince and a biscut benji only win matches because you got farra and hodgeson

    7.tigers suck

    8.and finaly benjis a biscut

  4. not really a tigers supporter but they aren't bad, as for Benji they just put him into first grade to early. if you had ever dislocated a joint it takes ages to heal and the chance of it happening again is pretty high( i dislocated a bone in my hand after punching a fridge, toke bout 3 months before i could even move it and another 2 months to use it properly) so i don't hate Benji he was just put in to early and now he is paying the price for it. agree with Nathan c though Robbie Farrah is by far the best player for the tigers but he is under a injury cloud a h**l of alot to

  5. i like benji marsahll probaly one of my favorite players but you got to admit he is a GIRL!

  6. Not me..I I like the Tigers and like Benji!

  7. I love the tigers!!

    Benji is a god among tiger fans if he stays injury free league supporters all over the world will shake in there boots and watch his wizardry unfold

  8. I dont follow them but they're ok... but yes i dont like benji marshall either...

  9. Yeah they are ok but I don't like Benji. :)

  10. I don't like them but my brother loves them. We often get into verbal stoushes over them, i must say he did win a couple of weeks ago but when the Tigers beat the Knights.

    I think Benji is way to injury prone, good player when fully fit but when was the last time that happened.

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