
Who looks better pictures included

by  |  earlier

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and please tell me if you think this girl is kinda ugly




  1. first girl is a cutie

  2. Equal points for all. No she's not ugly at all, but that's a lousy photo.

  3. 2 one is the hottest

  4. 1st girl- not very pretty

    2nd girl- cute, average

    3rd girl- what a stupid picture. do you want us to say shes ugly or something? she looks quite pretty though even with that expression.

    4th girl- yeah she seems pretty 7 or 8 out of 10.

    the last picture, doesnt seem ugly. she seems normal 5/10

    These pictures are so different though. we cant see the girls skin in the last one, the 3rd one she is pulling a silly face. 4th shes obviously posing to make her look attractive. Put better pictures so we can make a better comparison.

  5. Where can I find you on Facebook?  You're my type!

  6. They all look like the same person. One of them is way to skinny. The one in the full body shot.

    They all look like they are 12 too

  7. i think they are all pretty but prob. #2 is the prettiest bc shes smiling and her eye color is gorgeous

  8. 2nd pic for sure looks the best  

  9. They all have the same attractiveness...the last girl is no uglier than any of the other girls, in fact she is even making the same fact as picture #2...such a silly question

  10. The dark-haired girl looks too overdone--less natural.  Enhancing natural beauty is always best.  Trying to make over the look that a person was born with is always too much and very unflattering.

  11. 1

  12. u all look gr8tt

    n ur neighbor is pretiii --theres nothin wrong wid her appearence  

  13. average

  14. der all pretty

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