
Who loves dogs and why?

by Guest32200  |  earlier

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Who loves dogs and why?




  1. I love my dog because he is my little pal.  He follows me everywhere which I think is adorable.  He is very smart, tells you in his own way when he wants a treat, go outside, take a walk.  And of course his unconditional love.

  2. What kind of a question is this? Who couldn't love a dog? They have to be the best creation in this world! They love you no matter what and are the most loyal creatures. I love my dogs like a parent loves their children (probably more). It's just so sad when I see all the homeless or abused animals out there. They don't ask for it. If someone is going to mistreat a dog, here's a thought, don' t get one!  

  3. I LOVE dogs. they are the most loyal and loving creatures. They always give you unconditional love no matter what. they just want you to love them and take care of them. They don't ask for much. they love to snuggle with you and can always make you feel better when you've had a bad day. its like they know when you need them.  

  4. i love dogs, i have two of them, there so loving and they treat u like ur there, c, a cat would ecnore and expect u 2 feed it,, i want my dogs to treat me with the nourishment that i gave them

  5. I love my dog cause he gives soft kisses.

  6. Well, I luv dogs for many reasons.

       *Although they are cute and cuddly (which is one reason I love them), they're great company to have around, and they help people in many ways.


       *There are dogs that help the blind and people with special needs.


        *And dogs have saved many lives. One of the most interesting dog books I have ever read told about ordinary dogs who did extrordinary things. (It's all true) There was a dog who barked at everything, and his owner always had to say, 'It's just a tree' or, 'It's just a rock'. One hot day he barked at a car. His owner was just about to say, 'It's just a car' when he saw it; a baby, eyes closed, looking unconcious in the hot car. He screamed, and the dog ran to get help. The baby ended up slightly damaged but alive, and the mother was inside a building just playing poker nearby! (Again, this really was a true story.)

       *Another time there was a dog named Old Blue. He was afraid of everything. Every time there was a thunderstorm, he hid under the bed in fear. Every time there was a cat, he ran away as fast as he could. But he loved to sing. He howled and sang and howled. His owner always told him to stop, that all the neighbors were always complaining.

      *But one day there was a tornado, with a series of small fires around. Old Blue's owner (who was a little boy) was stuck high up under many boards and things after the tornado passed. No one had the courage to rescue him so high up (the firefighters hadnt came yet), except for one; Old Blue! He ran up, carefully balancing on a board, and pushed it over, so his owner could get out.

       *It was then the firefighters came. They took Old Blue's owner to the hospital, where the doctors said if Old Blue hadnt taken that board of, he may have died. From that day on, Old Blue and his owner sat together on the porch each day, singing and howling, and no one ever complained.  

  7. My dog is my best friend. He never feels the need to hurt. He doesn't make me sad...he's always there for me.

    I love him to bits and he's become an important part of my life :)

  8. I do love dogs, but i don't have one because I am allergic to dogs!  But if I could have a dog, I would!

  9. I love my dogs (2 beagles, 1 bassett) They are wonderful pets my bassett is the most loving creature alive always happy to see me friendly everyone loves her.

  10. I don't- theyr'e either annoying and l**k you or vicous and bite you

    they can smell and have fleas.

    i like cats tho :]

  11. I do! They are like little humans! They have their own personalities!

  12. i love dogs. because i love dogs. lol

  13.                                         Puppies

                                cuddly   cute

                          jumpy   energetic  running

                                       Tricks  loyal


                        Yay i love puppies of all sizes! XD

  14. I just feel you haven't truly experienced love if you haven't had a dog. I love dogs so much. They make me miss my home. My neighbors had a german shepherd for a dog. His name is Shane. He's beautiful. I like the big dogs that you can cuddle up with and be warm inside and then in the summer, play in the front yard and give them baths. I'm a total dog lover.  

  15. Unconditional love and seemingly endless understanding and acceptance of human faults. Dogs are wonderful animals no matter what kind they are, I have two chihuahuas, they always are willing to give love and attention to their people.

  16. I do.

    Loyal, loving, friendly..

    I could go on and on all day!

  17. because they're funny.

  18. i totally love my dog

    1 hes cute

    2 when i get back from somewhere he gets really exited when he sees me

    3 he guards my house

  19. Who doesn't love dogs? They're completely loyal... ask nothing from you... but yet they give you their all. They're your best friend, great listeners and protectors. You'd be a fool not to love a dog.  

  20. I love dogs, cos theyre loyal, loveable, and protective, dog is.

  21. This says why I love dogs better than I can say it.

    Tribute To A Dog

    From a speech given by former Senator George Graham Vest

    of Missouri. Delivered in 1870 when he was acting as a lawyer

    in a suit against a man who had killed the dog of his client.

    He won the case.


    The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish

    world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves

    ungrateful or treacherous, is man's dog.

    A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty. In health

    and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry

    winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his

    master's side.

    He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will l**k the wounds

    and sores that come in encounter with the roughness of the world. He

    guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.

    When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wing and

    reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its

    journey through the heavens.

  22. i do!! their so cute and cuddly

  23. i love dogs, they're understanding and loyal, also obedient

  24. my dog is my best friend, she is part of me and she makes me laugh all the time. she is so much a part of my life, i could deal with everything but if something happened to my dog it would be very hard to take. she is only turning 4 but i think about how she is not going to be with me forever all the time. you should be so lucky to find a dog that you love and loves you back unconditionally.

  25. i love dogs because there loyal

  26. i love dogs because they're the only ones who makes me happy, they love me.I'm a pet lover too

  27. I Do! because they are so loyal, loving, cute, adorable, trusting, sweet, unique, full of character, fun, energetic, moody sometimes, gorgeous, excitable, affectionate, playful and lovely!

    oh! I love dogs soooooo much! :))

  28. their so cute and cute and fun to play with! cats suck!

  29. I love dogs. ^_^

    Dogs are so sweet. They are considered as man's best friend. I always wanted to have a pet dog with me inside the house but all of them have been put outside after few months of staying inside.  

  30. I love dogs. Dogs are really faithful companions. They are the most loyal creatures on earth. Dogs are eager to please their owners even when they've been mistreated or neglected. They are forgiving and they stay with you in good or bad times. How many of us can say the same about our partners?

  31. Because they won't judge like people and they're content to just hang out with you all day and watch a law and order marathon or whatever or go run 5 miles. They'll love you no matter what.

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