
Who obama or mccain?

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tell me if anyone think that either obama or mccain is considered machiavellian?




  1. Obama is perfect:

    Unless you want this:

  2. McCain. The guy who doesn't think an inexperienced man is qualified to be President, but an inexperience woman is not qualified.

  3. McCAin

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    It's worth noting that Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    We may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    Most women do not know that if your pill regulates your period, it kills babies.

    As VP she could break a tie vote in the Senate, and explain this to the men in the Senate.

  4. Obama allll the way. I really want our soldiers out of Iraq, and he's the one who will get them out.

  5. I am probably the best candidate but unfortunately I can't run this year due to prior commitments

    ps the person above me is a dork

  6. McCAin

  7. I support Obama. He's not perfect but he's the best of the bunch.

    The trouble with McCain is that while he might be more experienced than Obama, most of his experience is out of date. He might have been a great president during the 1970s, and he may even have been able to make Vietnam less of a humiliation, but today?

    McCain's political die was set during the cold war, and that's all that he knows. He's got no clue how to fight the war on terror and he'd just make it worse by treating the Taliban and Alquida as if they were the Soviet Union. His economic experience is based on the idea of America as a manufacturing powerhouse, a role which has now been taken over by China, Japan and Europe.

    If McCain and Obama were CEO at General Motor, McCain would  tell the company to build SUV and Pickup trucks because that's what the company's base has always demanded in the past, and because that's what male motorists traditionally want, but Obama would tell them to build Compacts and town cars because that's what the fuel conscious consumer of today wants, and because today more and more women are buying their own cars and they don't want macho gas hogs.

  8. open minded for a minute and see the truth! You can either care about the defense of this country...or you can hand this country over to a man who thinks that TALKING to leaders of Russia and China and other islamic extremist countries is going to make them get rid of their nuclear missiles.

    all of you who say Obama...well I bet you cant give one educated reason why you would vote for him...I was thinking about joining the military, but if he is president there is no need to..there will be no country left to defend once the terrorists and all other countries who hate America blow it off the map! And I wouldnt want to lay down my life for the sorry people in this country who dont have enough sense to do a little research. Laying down my life for stupid people would be STUPID!

    The girl 3 spaces below me cant even spell....and its so sad to see people who HAVE NO CLUE!!! That is an Obama supporter for you

  9. Obamas the man

  10. I am a woman of color who supported Hillary and now I will vote for McCain.

  11. Obama all day biatchhh :)

  12. Obama is when it comes to disciplining small puppies. Oh he's tough when they're less than 16 weeks, but then he cowers like the girl he is.

  13. clearly obama! he is awesome! besides mccain would be just like bush!
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