
Who should win big brother?

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i just want to know who are favourites and things to win. Who should go next?

No nasty comments please.




  1. Rachel should win.

  2. lisa or sara

  3. Mikey should win, he'll never let you down whether he's being funny, disgusting or arguing with Rex. He's very entertaining to watch.

    Kat, Rachel or Mo should be out next, they're boring 90% of the time

  4. There isn't really one for me.

    Rex was favourite until nicole came in, but i think if he can last to the final he may turn it around and win. Unlikely but possible.

    Lisa may win, but same for rex unlikely.

    Darnell has a good chance BUT recently his odd actions and wierd things he has been saying and making sara cry has dented his chances.

    Rachel is another possible winner, but she is a fence sitter and too nice and that puts people off because she can't stand up when rex is horrible to her.

    Mo...just will not win, i think hes a nice guy but doesn't do anything to make people vote for him.

    Kat - Will not win, kat was a favourite but now everybody has realised she is just fake and puts on an act to try and win. Kat is one of the biggest gameplayers in the house.

    Sara - Could win, she is slowly winning fans and got cheered on friday.

    Mikey another possible winner, mainly because of his disability im afraid, but his disgusting habits and general having a go at people can let him down

  5. In every Big Brother i have watched i always have a favourite right from the begginging like in the previos one i liked Samanda, Liam and Brian but this one i don't know who will win.

    Darnell - I liked Darnell in the begging and still do i think he is funny but i dont like it when he says stuff about Sara his opiniions of people change sooo quickly.

    Kat - I love Kat and have done since near enough the begginng i think she is funny and a great joy to watch in the house she is also a kind and loyal friend to everyone especcialy Racheal.

    Lisa - I dont like Lisa she is very 2 faced and always seems to be smirking at people but i do think that her and Mario make a nice couple also she has the worst fashion sense.

    Mo - Mo is gready but everyone always makes a big deal out of it i think Rex is greedy and also when Nicole was in she was very gready and pettyglad she is gone, but back to Mo he is also lazy aswell but he is a nice person who i think is genuine.

    Mikey - I hated Mikey in the begging and have only recently started to like him because he would always have arguments with Nicole and Rex i dont think he should or could win though.

    Racheal - I like Racheal and i think that she deserves to win the most and she sould win because she is a nice person and gennerelly loves to be in the house unlike most of them she is just in there to have a good time and to have fun.

    Rex - Awful, Show-Off, Big Mouth, Pathetic, Controlling thats all i can say because im not wasting my time on him.

    Sara - I liked her in the begging but didnt when she went from liking Darnell to liking Stuart to kissing Mo but do like her and think that she should get into the final maybe to come 3rd or somethink.

  6. Kat // Darnell // Mickey - They are the only ones that have kept it real and have been thoroughly entertaining - any one of these I'd be quite happy with.

  7. You could easily get the answer to this by putting your question in the search box and read the thousands of previous answers. This is asked almost daily.

  8. IMO the only HM that stands out as the clear winner at the moment is Rachel.

    I like Darnell but he is not doing himself any favours by laying into Sara like that.

    I'm liking Lisa a lot more now too ..... never liked her at first.

    Rex should go next but as we don't know what BB has in store for the live task on Wednesday it could be any of them for the chop.  

  9. Dan (USA)  

  10. Memphis or Keesha

  11. I think Sara should win because there is no one else I like

    Darnell - gameplayer

    Kat - fake

    Rachel - fake

    Rex - nasty

    Lisa - robot

    Mikey - discusting

    have I missed someone oh yeah Mo - greedy

  12. mikey because he would be a good role model

  13. RACHEL or Kat or Darnel should win.  Rachel may sit on the fence but she is NOT rude to others unlike some of them and it's time  nice, polite  person should win!  She would be a good role model!

    The person who said Mikey would be a good role model; Have you been watching the same show as the rest of us?  He is the most rudest; arrogant; foul mouthed; sexist; disgusting creepy man on there!  He has done nothing but talk s*x; insult others; throw tantrums (as well as food over himself); deliberately wind up other housemate; and abused them, to goad them into arguing so he can play his 'I'm a blind man don't pick on me' card.   Being disabled in any way does not give someone the right to be rude and nasty: and then win a prize for it!  

    Let a NICE person win!!!

  14. Darnell or Rachel

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