
Who supports tracking and why?

by  |  earlier

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Why are people opposed? Don't you have to be advantaged?




  1. only advertiser want to track people and where they go.

  2. I'm not sure by the way your question is stated exactly what kinf of tracking you are talking about. If you are talking about the rfid chips that everyone in the world will be forced to have implanted see . I will refuse to be "chipped" as will all Christians. This is "the mark of the beast" mentioned in the Bible in the book of Revelation. A mark in the flesh denotes ownership, you will "belong" to the government, in this case the one world government known now as "the new world order". Those without the chip will not be able to pay bills , work(get paid), pay taxes, or own property. ALL money will be "E"-money. When you go to work you will be scanned and when you leave you will be re-scanned, this will determine how much you have earned. When you go to the store you will run your hand(forearn) under the scanner to pay for your purchases. Eventually, those without the mark will not even be allowed in the door, as they could not pay for anything so have no business there. If you own property since you can't pay taxes , it will be taken away. As you pass  by various scanners located throughout citys you will be tracked constantly. Big brother will know where you are at all times, what you buy, how much you have and how much you spend.This will be done "for our own good", it will be sold to us in the name of fighting illegal immigration and to fight terrorism and to fight crime.

    This is a total loss of personal freedom. I was born free and intend to die that way.

    I don't trust my government or any other to determine for me what is in my best interest. I will decide that for myself.

    I hope this answers your question.

  3. tracking of what?

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