
Who thinks bacteria are kool? ?

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The way they are physiologically diverse with their various survival mechanisms. e.g. The deinococcus with its radiation-resistant multiple genome copies!! I couldn't beleive my eyes when I read that!!!

If you know about any other fascinating bacteria please tell me, i <3 reading about these little dudes

go bacteria!! :)




  1.          i&#039;m crazy about bacteria!!! not just them,but any other microorganism!!

    did you know ther are archeas that can produce electicity?! scientist are doing lots of researches about it these days!====&gt; no bills have to be payed!!

          there is a bacteria called Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans that can produce H2SO4,this little guy can actually live in the pH between 0.5-2 !!    nowadays they use this bacteria in bioleaching process, which is extracting valuable metals from it&#039;s ore, like gold,uranium,zinc,iron,copper,...  they use the bacteria as a source of producing acid and crushing the ore &amp;....====&gt; think about it, you can be rich with this bacteria!!!


         these days scientists use those bacteria which produce beer,wine &amp; viniger to make a  natural gas called biogas. this gas stinks!!! it smells like rotten egg,but it has several times more energy than methane! so it&#039;s also dangerous to handle! but it&#039;s a great source of energy. it can be used in farmes, factories,... as the main energy and doesn&#039;t make biohazzard and waste.=====&gt; it&#039;s better than any other sources of enegy,no harm,no pollution,no nothing!! you can turn wine &amp; eer to gas and eventually electricity!!

       ask me more if you like,my name is mahdi sadati, i&#039;m a student of microbiology(, my email is:      there are lot to know about these little critters!!        thanks!!



  2. Love Love Love me some bacteria!  Mycoplasma Pneumoniae is my favorite, as it&#039;s the only one they&#039;ve found that has no cell wall.  It causes walking Pneumonia, and at first, they thought it was a virus, cause they couldn&#039;t see it!  Sneaky little bugs.  Then, they found that everyone responded to anti-biotics, so they just kept looking, and someone finally figured it out.  Wicked cool!  

  3. Wicked cool!

    the local fauna keep us safe from the bad microbes AND

    since bacteria and fungi are competing for the same environment, antibacterials come from fungi and antifungals come from bacteria!

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