
Who thinks this is really wrong??

by Guest60086  |  earlier

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Today my husband and i were shopping in tesco and there was this young girl, no older than ten, walking around in

a really short cheerleading outfit and wearing very high heels and wearing heavy make up, she was lifting her skirt and being very provocative, we were so shocked and so were other shoppers. Her parents looked oblivious, how can people let their kids dress up like that? I wouldn't even let her out if that was me, let alone take her shopping!!




  1. thats probably how the parents are they probably think they're still young and if they are rich they probably dont care what their kids do

  2. being in her cheerleading outfit she was probably still practising.  she got your attention which was the whole point of it.  good luck to the young lady for letting her hair down.  you must have seen worse things in life than a youngster having some fun.

    perhaps you should shop in a more upmarket supermarket.

  3. i have 3 kids an di agree theres no way id dress my daughter like a mini barbie,theres too much pressure on kids to look like something out of "bratz"and be like teens before age 9 or so,a lot of the parents think that they are being modern and trendy by letting little kids dress like mini adults but its just wrong ,kids grow up fast enough as it is without speeding up the process,im glad my daughter is a tomboy!(she hates pink/princess stuff/bratz etc)

  4. It is terrible!

    Bad parents.

  5. Id let her dress how ever she wants if I were her parent, but Id tell her I wont go anywhere with her if she dressed like that, but I wouldn't control how she dressed. but she will most likely grow out of that most kids do.

  6. Some unintelligent parents exceed all limits in their guidance towards children.

    Nowadays people rear their children like cattle!

    They the children are well-fed,fattened and entirely unaware of proper moral training during their childhood!

    The ultimate end of the fattened children-cattle is the slaughter-house in corrupt society!

    Result of the parents corrupt behavioural attitudes!

  7. Sorry to say that is life in the UK nowadays.

  8. that's sick and scary that parents don't see anything wrong in that. girls always liked and always will like to dress up but buying high hills shoes, make up and letting them go out like that as if it was normal it's beyond mistake.

    kids nowadays are deprived from being kids, unfortunatelly

  9. I agree with u, its disgusting. We went to a dance show recently and they had young girls 7,8 and 9 year olds dressed up like belly dancers. They were shaking their b***s (ok, i know they're kids and dont have any) but it looked to provocative for girls that age. My husband was disgusted as was the village priest who got up and left when they started dancing. I have 2 daughters 7 and almost 9 years old and i wld no way allow them to dance or dress like an 18 year old in public.

  10. It's not only wrong and potentially dangerous, it's a shame the child isn't allowed to be a child. I don't know where parents lost their moral compass but society is the poorer for it.

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