
Who thinks this is rediculous?

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The FDA has a volunteer system for people to report adverse reactions to vaccines medications foods and supplements on the market, so that dangerous things can be pulled off the shelves.

Because of this system, multiple supplements and herbs have been banned (ie. ephedra).

I just came across a bit of data.


A group sued the FDA for it's data on the HPV vaccine, and over 100 people have died from it in the last 6 months, and at this point in time a push is being made for the vaccine to be legally required.

#2 The FDA receives more complaints for adverse reactions to aspartame than anything else and it's still legal.


That one speaks for itself.

Why does the FDA let drugs off which get many fatalities, but go after herbs which trigger a single adverse reaction?

List any other examples you know!




  1. All of this may be true, but the FDA also requires warnings of that sort on all medication inserts. Anyone is susceptible to allergic reactions, including death with any medications. Aspartame is not widely used anymore, instead. manufacturers of sugar free products are sweetened with phenylalanine. I drink diet Mt. Dew and I remember the label warning consumers of adverse reactions to Aspartame. My wife took a medication and had no idea that she would have a reaction, but she did and had to take epinephrine shots because her throat was swelling and she couldn't breath. Your writing about the Human Papiloma Virus Vaccine. My question is, how many people will it help, instead of hurt? Just my opinions and thoughts.

  2. It's actually simple.  The FDA is not your friend and is responsive to congress.  Congress has no clue about what is good and bad.  They rely on so called "experts" to give them information so they can make decisions to direct the FDA.  The system is very corrupt and big money driven.  The aspartame issue is very telling.  Go to this web site and look at what one woman did that had a scientific background.  She ran this experiment so her children could see first hand how bad aspartame is for ALL animals.      I believe the experiment was for 2 years and 8 months, involved about 108 mice.  It shows what a truly independent research project can reveal.

    For the FDA to ignore this issue, is ludicrous and demonstrates their blatant disregard for the safety and health of the public.  The information is simply overwhelming.

    Now realize that the head of the FDA is an ex-Monsanto executive and over 50% of all the employees are ex-Monsanto employees.  Is it no wonder genetically engineered foods are NOT LABELED as such and are classified as SAFE, so now there is NO TRACEABILITY so the public will not know if food has GMO in it and if a problem happens, there is NO WAY TO TRACE DOWN THE GMO FOOD AS THE PROBLEM.  The FDA cannot even find the problem with salmonella poisoning.  Instead, the FDA focuses on vitamins and people that make claims contrary to what the medical profession deems correct.  Last year 10,000 to 20,000 max. people died of illegal drug use on the street.  That sounds pretty bad doesn't it.  O.K., last year 106,000 people died in hospitals from FDA APPROVED DRUGS that were prescribed by doctors for the illness the drugs were designed to help people.  We lost 1,000 soldiers (approximately) last year in Iraq.  Does that sound like the FDA is doing their job?  I would rather take my chances in Iraq than in a hospital in America.

    Just look at all the drugs approved by the FDA that have been recalled due to Americans dying, born with defects, and causing doctor induced illnesses.  In 1905, the CDC reported that less than 5% of ALL Americans were chronically ill.  In 2005, the same CDC reported that over 53% of ALL Americans are chronically ill.  Does that sound to you like progress?  

    6,000 infants die every year in the US alone from vaccines.  As if this weren’t tragic enough the manufacturers have the system rigged by previously manipulating the government to provide complete and absolute protection from lawsuits.

    They have ZERO responsibility for any harm, damage, or deaths they cause.  The only resource in the US is for a parent to claim damages from the Vaccine Compensation Act, which is virtually impossible to collect on.  But even with these rigid, nearly impossible restrictions, over $1.5 BILLION dollars has been paid out to families of children in the US that were injured or killed by vaccines.

    It's more than obvious that the FDA is responsive to drug manufacturers and not the public.  The statistics bear that out time and time again.  Is it any wonder that the drug companies are major contributors to politicians.

    A good thing to do is to go to the National Vaccines Information Center and search the VAERS database!  It’s free and open to anyone with internet access.  As an example, a quick search for adverse effects to the FLU vaccine garnered 33,111 adverse events, and that’s just what’s been reported.  It is believed that only about one to four percent of all adverse reactions are ever reported to VAERS.

    BRAVO "LULU" - Great post with good information.  Also get the book:  "The Sanctity of Human Blood" by Timothy O'Shea.

    good luck to us all

  3. Well, first off, there are many "plants" in the FDA. People from Monsanto for instance began working for the FDA around the time the Monsanto drug Posilac (rbgh) was pushing for approval. I don't know of any names of who used to work for pharmaceutical companies and now works for the FDA, but I would bet money that there are many.

    I think the mandatory gardasil vaccine is disgusting. My gynecologist recommended it to me last year regardless of the fact that my husband and I were abstinant until marriage and are completely monogamous. She said something along the lines of "well how can you trust him or yourself to be STD clean?" wtf. I would never force my daughter to get that vaccine (or any for that matter) and I would go as far as to take her out of the public school system if there was no way around it.

    People always look down on me and my mom because I wasn't a vaccinated child (I did get the MMR before kindergarten though). And everyone says that it was wrong of her to force me to live that "unhealthy" lifestyle, but I was ALWAYS given the option to get vaccinated. When I learned about Hepetitis in 8th grade I came home and was freaking out because I hadn't been vaccinated and my mom told me that I could get any vaccination I wanted. And I honestly considered it and then decided against it and I still choose not to vaccinate myself.

    To chris s: There are over 150 strains of HPV virus that can cause cervical cancer, and the vaccine protects against 4. It is wicked expensive for just 4 strains. Cervical cancer is also the number 1 best treated cancer in women, with 80% of all women who contract cervical cancer going into remission. Gardasil came out in 2007 so there is no possible way of proving that it is effective against cervical cancer, since 1 year on the market isn't even enough time to prove it does anything. Also, the standard childhood vaccines such as MMR have been around for almost 50 years (since about the 1960's, some earlier some later), and they are still controversial and constantly being bashed down by some doctors and scientists...and that's 50 years of research under the belt. 1 year just isn't comparable to that and I don't see how you could make enough of an assumption on its safety (or lack of safety) in a 1 year period (we'll say 2 to give them credit for the developmental stages) to even suggest that it should be mandatory. That is completely ridiculous.

  4. Nice post! Honestly everyone has said what I would have said... we're not really being watched or taken care of.  It's all about the money and the FDA gets bigger pockets by the minute.  It's sad that it's come to this, but we can fight it and stand up for what is right.  I've always wondered how they can make a plant that grows in NATURE (that was here before any of us) illegal, but the man made stuff that kills thousands and thousands of people aren't.  Thanks for the question! :) You're not alone in this!

  5. Interesting, but the report actually says 10 people died, not 100.  

      I'm not a fan of Gardasil, and I think it was rushed to market, and has used fear to promote itself.  The deaths seem suspicious because of proximity to the Gardasil, but at least get your facts right.  The FDA hasn't done a great job, and over the last 15 years has been increasingly hamstrung first by an activist Republican congress and then the Bush administration.

    Ephedra on the other hand has been directly involved in over 150 deaths.

    Herbal and "natural" products are NOT harmless.  Everything has a risk.  The risks always need to be weighed against the benefits.  

    The hype over aspartame was just that.; hype and scare tactics from the usual anti-science cabal.  

    There never was a problem, except for the lab rats.

  6. ** Both Hands up in The Air Shouting & Squealing** Me Me Me  !!! ........  i think it mind bogglingly ridiculous mate!!  It's downright terrifying actually ........  the part that positively scares the pants off me is that in the face of so much flagrant out and out truly misleading information and widespread obvious money greasing .........  there are an AwFuL lot of people out there who poopoo people like us who are positively screaming at people to start thinking for themselves and to go as natural and fresh in their diet and approach to health and vitality as possible........ i mean people don't even do the research and inform themselves on what they are blindly accepting to ingest or get vaccinated with .......  i'm not a sheeple .......  i will not be told what to do ..........  and if it happens to be a Govt department or official that tries to tell me what to do regarding my own health & vitality i assure you there would be merry h*ell to pay.

    i just don't know what else to say .......  those links you provided were incredibly in your face and very confronting stuff and yet people are still guffawing at it !! Shouldn't the statistics speak for themselves ...... i ache so much for the poor souls who have been traumatised and maimed by these insidious chemicals ......... i fervently hope they can open their minds and  heal and rejuvenate their poor minds bodies and souls.


    When all is said and done Knowledge is Freedom & Power.......  Hunger only for a taste of Justice, Hunger only for a taste of Freedom .......  For all that you have is your Soul.


    This Link will interest you ~

    peace 2 all

  7. Why? Because of $$$ and corruption.

  8. there does seem to be a double standard here.

    HPV has been trialed in New Zealand.

    I saw a news report on it last night and 100 adverse reactions have been reported although no one has reported dying.

    There is also a push to offer it to everyone.

    In answer to another bloggers question how many people will it help?

    The biggest transmitter of the paploma virus leading to cancer is unprotected promiscous s*x.

    How about people behave responsibly and change their sexual habits. The number of cases would drop dramatically along with a whole host of other STD's. There would be no need to offer this vacine at risk of killing a patient, to prevent a cancer which is already preventable and very treatable if not prevented and caught early.

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