
Who was joseph merrick?

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is he the man who does Uryu voice on bleach?

should he do voice on Host club?

is uryu the sexiest man on earth?

or is it joseph

my "illegal" sister said Joseph Merrick is part of the jonas brothers

my mexican brother said he does uryu voice




  1. joseph carey merrick .. aka .. the elephant man..

    look it up... very interesting to read..

  2. Joseph Merrick was from what I understand a wonderful human being with a disease which caused horrible tumors in and on his entire body.  If suffering from that wasn't enough, he was put on display, ridiculed and spat upon by the public because of his obvious condition.

    The movie "The Elephant Man" was both wonderful and sad.

  3. Joseph Merrick was so called the elephant Man because of abnormal of masses of flesh which began growing on his face and body since he was a child. Merrick suffered from Proteus Syndrome.

  4. He was The Elephant mans brother.

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