
Who watches the police?

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Who watches the police?




  1. You...keep a close eye out, you may see one.

  2. Criminals!

  3. Bored people who have no clue about law enforcement or how to do our job. Yet they are quick to criticize us when we don't something they think should be done, because that is how it was handled on their favorite tv show.

  4. Who watches the police?

      Who doesn't watch the police? They have cameras in their cars, microphones on their shirts and they do not have access to the tapes. Every person out there practically these days has a camera on their phone. There's cameras on just about every store or building and then there's the Internal Affairs who monitor the officers on the street. They call at random people who have called the police and they take surveys on how the police handled the complaint.

      City, state and Federal Governments are watching them and then there's the civic organizations and civil rights groups.

      I don't know who's watching them?

  5. Can't you tell who watches the cops  cops do thats why they get away with breaking the law.

  6. Internal Affairs Department. Police within the police.

  7. Internal  Affairs  Bureau.

  8. the guy who just stole something

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