
Who were the native americans?

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Who were the native americans?




  1. WELL THATS A LOADED QUESTION NATIVE AMERICANS ARE ANYONE THAT IS BORN to your question on american tribes ...theres quite a few that lived in diffrent parts of the country that lived diffrent types of lives some where farmers some where like the nomadic tribes of aisa and africa.

  2. Originating in Siberia, they crossed the Bering Land Bridge, and, at a rate of about 5 miles per year, spread across the entire Americas. They are believed to have hunted the mammoth and ground sloth to extinction. They continued a hunter-gatherer lifestyle until, around the European Dark Ages, corn growing began to spread north from Mexico. By the time the Pilgrims showed up, the Native Americans were as skilled at farming as any European nation. However, devastated by European diseases (95% mortality rates have been estimated), they were left with huge, empty villages and cornfields, which were immediately taken over by European invaders.

  3. Don't understand your question.  Please be more specific.

    You want to know the names of tribes?   Their origin and migration?  What???

  4. Native Americans were the people living in North and South American before Columbus "discovered" it.

  5. "Native American" is a term that was invented in the 1970s to replace the word "Indian" when talking about the natives of the Americas when the Europeans got here, and the descendants of those people.  It takes into account that the so-called American "Red Indian" had nothing at all to do with the Asia country of India, and were given the moniker of "Indian" by accident.

    I started using the expression "Native American" when I went to work for a large multi-national company, where many co-workers were actually Indian!  From South-central Asia kind of Indian.  Indians at GE were not Native Americans, so I stopped calling Native Americans Indians because I knew so many real Indians.  

    Clear?  I hope so.

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