
Who won this fight?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so guy number 1 trys to spear guy number 2 but then guy number 2 pushed guy number 1 into a book case the guy number 1 punches guy number 2 like 15 times then guy number 2 stops the fight.

Then guy number 1 punches number 2 over and over again and then number 2 spine buster number 1 and number 1 is still punching number 2 while number 2 is spinbustering number 1 so after the spinbuster number 1 gets up and punches number 2 right in the face and number 2's gums started bleeding then number 2 spinbuster number 1 again and number 1 is still punching number 2 while number 2 is spinbustering him so number 2 spinbusters number 1 and then number 2 punches number 1 in the nose a couple time while number 1 was on the ground then they both get up...and number 1 nose starts bleeding after 5 miutes who won the fight?




  1. uhm.. whats the point of asking?

  2. guy number 1

  3. The guy who didn't come to Yahoo! Answers.

  4. Man all these 1's and 2's got me confused,so I'll say 1 plus 2 equals 3......Guy # 3 wins
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