
Whoa..Check this double standard out?

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It's ok for man to be super picky about looks when it come to girls. They narrow it down to what size hip, waist and titties they like. They want this and they want that. Why is it so wrong for a women to say that they don't like men with little p***s's?? Really? Why are we trying to protect their little ego's??

I'm sorry but when the biggest thrill you get is when his hips are poking into your thighs, it's a problem.

Your thoughts?




  1. Men AND women have the right to choose what they like, and I m not changing my opinion regarding that.

  2. I couldn't agree more!  There is way too much pampering of the male ego.  Guys will dump a girl over saying "like" too much or being too slow with "giving it up". Yet a girl is supposed to cling to a guy despite cheating or whatever.

  3. each person regardless of their gender have every right to pick and choose what they want and what they don't want in a a man AND a woman can be as picky as they want about what physical or characteristic attributes they want in their partners.

  4. blow the mans ego. LOL. this is too funny.

    i totally understand what you are saying. i really do. and i agree somewhat with you. though i can't recall ever telling some one that they were to small even though, in one case that i can remember that was the LAST reason for the break-up. (meaning that it was defiantly a reason).

    the main reason was that i just found myself in a position where i hated him and every thing about him.

  5. What planet are you living on?  Since when do women hesitate to compliment or in the case of the less endowed, criticize men on the size of their equipment?  That is why we have all these dozens of questions on YA every day from young men wanting to know if it is big enough or not.  It has made very average sized males who should feel okay about themselves very paranoid.  In fact, it is very socially acceptable to rib and criticize a man who has a small one, but if someone made a joke about some girl having little b***s everyone would think you were a jerk.

  6. As picky as they are, u can be picky as well. As long as its just for fun, and not for something serious. Most likely, in a life partner you won't find perfection, so u just gotta find some stuff u are willing to sacrifice. Overall, u should be picky, and date ... with the person that makes you happy. And if a guy with a mini can't do it for you, weed all of them out and try to find what you are looking for among the others. Nothing wrong with being picky. its not picky, its selective. You want someone as perfect as you are. (I assume you are)

  7. And women are picky about money, hypocrite.

  8. I think you have a WONDERFUL point here!!! I think men dont care so much about female emotions!!! Females on the other hand take their egos into consideration when talking about their mens dicks... We need to stop caring so much about what THEY think!!! Good point chick :)

  9. I agree with you. Some men, are a bit picky. But I think the picky ones are the ones that have a reason to be picky. I haven't really encountered any men with small ones being picky about physical appearance. Then again, I haven't encountered any men with small ones at all. Lol.

  10. If his hips are poking into your thighs, his private must be a good 15 inches away from your private. That's small... what do you consider big then? haha

  11. Lol good point - in fairness though, I think both genders are already obsessed about issues in these departments - so I don't think it is a double standard, just an accurate observation on your part :-)

  12. Never mind the size issue...why do really ugly men attract beautiful women while you rarely see an Adonis with an ugly chick?

  13. Well now we're getting into the whole "does size matter?" thing.  I think we're all like that, to some least we all have a range.  But I agree that range doesn't usually include tiny wee-wees.  Wee-wees.  GET IT?!  Heheehehe...I'ma dork.  Happy Friday!

  14. Yer right.

  15. Actually, I DON'T think it's ok for men to be super picky about looks. Have you seriously never seen anyone complaining about this? The only people who seem to think it's ok are the shallow men you're talking about, and the trophy wives who take advantage of it. Similarly, women who are shallow enough to turn a man down based on his p***s size are the only ones who seem to think that kind of behavior is ok. I really don't see any double standard at all, just a bunch of people trying to justify their own idiocy. Coming from either s*x, this kind of foolishness is a sign that you're basing your relationships on the wrong things.

    Edit: I am getting the feeling that I am having a hard time reading your sarcasm. if that's the case, then I apologize.

  16. Wow, just wow. Shall i say typical woman? no because thats already VERY VERY clearly shown here. Every single person out there, male, female, or otherwise has a preference about how the opposite s*x looks, and what they like them to look like.  I think it just so happens that men voice it more. Also, since men only have the one "hidden secret", it hurts our pride when referred to as small or inadequate. Women on the other hand just shake off a negative comment becuase they are always right, and just assume the man was/is wrong and then it doesnt bother them.

    Terrible question, very pointed....go study some HIStory about MAN kind

  17. theres no double standard. everyone knows most people of both sexes are picky.

  18. not really

  19. Didnt realize it wasnt ok for that to happen.......kinda thought it was a given.

    But by the time you find out how big a d**k is, your a little bit far into it to back out. A guy can judge from across a bar. A girl makes that discovery far too late in the process to be in a position to complain about a double standard.

  20. I don't think you understand men completely. Breast size is like Coke and Pepsi. Every man has a preference but the other one will do just as well.

    I don't think it's a double standard at all.

    Edit: Billy, the details in your analogy are skewed. It would better balanced if you said a man demanding D cups was equal to a woman demanding 7 inches.

  21. wow....hummm....uh, I have to agree, I hate that I have to, but I do. And the smaller they seems the more critical they are of women...sounds like they have "issues"

  22. lol omg so true right??? well i dont have to worry about THAT partiular problem, lol but it is a double standard to the max, although guys dont give much thought to feelings unless thiers are hurt, so maybe this guy just needed a reality check!!! nice job!! lol

  23. Thigh bruiser nooo!!!

    very simple...dont think like that...and dont date men who think like that.  Leave shallow people to date each other.

  24. I think anyone has the right to choose what turns them on and what makes them happy.  What's with the "have to accept small b***s or a little weenie....and live with it" theory?  We choose our color of car, and clothing.  We choose our style of home and furniture.  We choose our favorite flavors of food.  It is just as right that we choose our size, flavor, style, color of the person whom we are going to hopefully spend years with.

  25. Where do you see the double standard? Women are as picky (if not more) of men than men of women. Most of the time the only thing we care about is that we like the person. We don't care if others like her or not.

    While most women often ask to her friends and family about if the guy is good or not.

    So a women only needs to win one man opinion

    While a man has to win the opinion of the woman plus friends plus family.

    IMBO: Women are far more picky than men.

  26. Katydint:  Great answer, well versed, composed and to the point.  Actually 2 points and all those thumbs up?  You must be either in the "in" crowd or as intelligent as the asker.  Way to go.

  27. If a man says "I want at least a B cup" then it is fair for a woman to say, "I want at least 7 inches."  Where is the inequity?  This makes perfect sense.

  28. Whoa..Check this double standard out?

    It's ok for man to be super picky about looks when it come to girls. They narrow it down to what size hip, waist and titties they like. They want this and they want that. Why is it so wrong for a women to say that they don't like men with little p***s's?? Really? Why are we trying to protect their little ego's??

    I'm sorry but when the biggest thrill you get is when his hips are poking into your thighs, it's a problem.

    Your thoughts?

    21 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

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    21 hours ago

    No Robert. I think a lot of men are great and I see things from their point of view, but a lot of guys fail to really try to understand a woman, they resort to acting like were nothing. Like our concerns are stupid.

    I'm sorry to offend you robert. I love most men.

  29. Some good points have been made.  For myself, I think it's ridiculous to not "like men with little penises"...presumably, you know whether you like him or not before you find that little tidbit out, no?  I was somewhat shocked by one man, but it didn't matter...I loved him anyway.  I tend to make my evaluations before I jump into bed with people, and what happens there does not determine anything.  Maybe that's just me.

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