
Whoa!!!!!!Do you believe THIS???

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That guy didn't seem crazy. Am I just gullible? I kinda believe him.Do you? It seems REALLY FAR OUT..but he seemed to know what he was talking about.




  1. Yes. I believe that geologist guy was deluded or dishonest and not telling the truth. Underground aliens my eye! As soon as he mentioned that crackpot Billy Mier, I knew it was all a sham. There is odd stuff out there, but this fellow represents the phony side of it.

  2. And the background to this question is?

    ... What guy?

  3. Listen to what he claims: he was involved with excavating a chamber of 3 CUBIC MILES, under archuleta mesa.  That's larger than everything excavated underground by man since the begining of history.  It would make a mountain of waste material 5000 feet high, 5000 feet wide and 7 MILES long, big enough to be seen by a modest telescope from Mars!  I live 30 miles from Los Alamos and no such mountain has appeared.

    This guy is a fat demented loser who can't even come up with a plausible scenario from the outset.  It would take a million of the largest mining dumptrucks and excavaters one thousand years to make such a mountain and it would require 100 times all the oil that has ever been produced.  Ya think someone might notice?

  4. apparently you don't seem to know what you're talking  about ;) what exactly are you trying to ask.

  5. No, he is lying. I didn't really analyze what he said, it sounds like nonsense to me, but his facial expressions were that of someone lying. Granted he had a well rehearsed story, but it he obviously wasn't there.

    I didnt pay much attention to the content of what he was saying, it didnt matter if he was talking about taking a trip to the lake with his daughter. He was fabricating the details of the story on the spot.

  6. This guy has been around for a long time.  I first read about this in a news paper about 15 years ago.  At the time I thought  they were all crazy, but one of the first things G W Bush did after becoming president was to shut down that paper.  They are now published under the name The American Free Press.  A friend gives me copies of this paper and the more you read and check out the stuff on the internet the creepier it gets.  I personally do not believe in aliens but the under ground tunnels and bases are real.  Even the biggest nuts get somethings right now and then.

  7. oh...

  8. I don't believe - that anyone knows what you're talking about.

  9. I believe we have incorporated alien technology and genetics into our world.  It isn't so hard to imagine, looking at different people and seeing different types of animal features seems to me one indication.  

    Many of the Egyptian hieroglyphs incorporate men with heads of beasts and flying objects, it is a good chance we have just been experiments.

  10. He sounded sincere to me.'s the "content" that mattered. How could he have known to make up these things? He didn't sound like he had it memorized. He's on a stage in front of a bunch of people. That's got to make you a little nervous. I just didn't see what you saw in his eyes etc. , I guess. Why don't you go back and listen to what he said at least.

  11. This guy is a crackpot.  It's amazing how many of those latch on to the who UFO thing.

  12. I think you left something out.

  13. What are you talking about?!? (No, really - you've got me interested now XD)

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