
Whos been to ITALY?

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Where did you go and how long for?

And how much money did you bring, did you run out / was it enough?

Thanks guys!!!




  1. I went for about 11 nights....NOT enough really....I went to Verona, Venice (2 nights), Montepulciano, Rome (3 nights), Florence (3 nights) and Bologna....I saw little bits of a few places which was fine I guess, but I would have like more time in Rome as I did a day trip to Pompeii which filled up an entire day.

    I chose a variety of accommodation in the different places (It was early in my travels and wanted to test some different stars/places out)...due to that I had accommodation ranging from around 26 euros (or pounds....can't remember now!!) to a horrible 110 euros (the only place I had not pre booked accommodation was Bologna and arrived to find a large convention or something so hotel prices were thru the roof!!!! It was incredibly central, but more expensive than my entire time in Florence and Montepulciano combined!!!)

    I did not buy much in the way of souveniers except a few glass items in Venice and a couple of scarves at a market.

    I have no idea how much on food I did vary from around 5 to 20 euros I guess for lunch and dinner, most places I stayed had breakfast included.

    Then there was train rides, which I think were around 15-30 euros depending on the distance and things like getting around the towns on buses (reasonably cheap) or metro and things like entry into museums etc.

    I would look at some websites for approx cost of accomodation which will be the biggest cost, then maybe trentitalia (the main train network) for costs of trains and then budget say 40euros for food (which may or may not include breakfast depending on where you stay of course) and that may give you a few ideas as to what you need for that, then you need money for everything on top of that for the other things i mentioned.

  2. ive been to italy twice before, most recently july of last year. I spent 9 days there but mainly stayed in Tuscany and Rome. Before leaving for the airport I had my bank order me currency so i would not have to worry about it when i got there. Boy did that come in handy. I was supposed to have a shuttle meet me at the airport but my flight was delayed so long, the shuttle had to leave and it was after 6 so all of the information desks were closed. and to make matters worse, all the taxi's were on strike. I had to hire a private car to get me to my hotel, costing close to 90 euro. So definately bring cash with you.

    Try to head over there after the summer is over, this way you will miss the heat and the crowds. But if i had to suggest any cities to visit it would be Venice, Florence, Rome, and Pompeii.  

    I would stay away from Pisa, it is mainly just the leaning tower and the basilica. You really have to watch for the gypsies and pick pocketers there. And Naples, it is too much of a bustling city to really sit back and enjoy.

  3. I have been to Italy on 5 times. Last year I was there for 1 month. I probably spent around 5 euro for lunch and 10 euro for dinner everyday.  Everything else I put on credit cards (ie. train tickets, museums.....)

  4. twice, went to rome on the first visit, then drove from switzerland to venice the second time. I don't remember how much I brought, but it is possible to do Italy on the cheap, as long as you play your cards right. I believe Frommer's has the guidebooks that help you spend your money in italy.

  5. I just got back from Italy. I was there for 2 weeks.   I went to Rome, Sorrento, Capri, Pompeii, Florence, Verona, and Venice.  Airfare is the most expensive, we ended up getting it for $900 a peice.  We stayed in B&B's mostly when we were there which was nice because you get a meal so you don't have to think about it.  That ran us about $1500 for the whole trip.  I brought my check card and just went to bancomats (ATM's) the whole time.  We (2 of us) brought about $6,000 in our combined bank accounts and ended up going home with about $2000 left over so that's about $330 a day for 2 people.  Since we had our breakfast included we ended up really only eating for dinner because you're so busy anyway.  We ate about 4 or 5 nice dinners otherwise it was panini's or cheaper resturaunts (with not so good food).  We drank wine the whole time though, wine is really cheap.  We bought some gifts too.  So you can get by with about $7,500 for 2 people for the whole trip without staying in hostels.

  6. i went 2 months ago for 2 weeks,  traveled to following in following order

    Milan, La stresa(lake maggiore), lucarno(switz), verona, Padua, Venice, Ravenna, Pisa, Versilia, PortoVenere, Cinque Terre, Florence, Perguia(was an exchange trip to stay with families through school, Assisi, Rome, and Gubbio.  Two weeks  brought about 200 USD and that went quick,  then spent money from Debit checking account had parents in the us replenish money periodically not to have to much in there if card went missing.  dont use those prepaid credit cards especially if it doesnt have a pin not all places accept them for small purchases.  cash is a neccessity.  always have an debit card aka il bancomat.

    u will spent the majority of ur money on food.  atleast i did.  spent more on special gifts like murano glass and florentine gold.

  7. Yeah been to Rome, Milan and Florence all great...depends on what you want to do - eat, take pics, see art, sleep around. Three weeks was long enough. Wouldve liked to have gone to Venice.

    Why would you take cash? Just get an Maestro or Cirrus facility on your debit card or take a credit card. There aren't any visa fees when you arrive if that's what you are asking, but if you need to take a taxi from Fiumicino Airport in Rome to the city make sure you have about 60 euro (the taxi drivers are rude and will rip you off charging you to lift your bags into the cab even if you do it yourself- no BS).

  8. I went to Italy last year or 10 days.

    I really didn't take much cash...if you go to mainly big cities, there are bank machines everywhere. I just got cassh when I needed it. In addition, if you have a credit card, it is much better to pay for things with that because you will get the best exchange rate. Save cash for small things and food. Have fun!

  9. Hello,

    I have been to Italy numerous times and love it!  I usually stay in Rome.  I have been to Naples and Venice but Rome is my favorite.  Most of my trips are for 2 weeks not including the 2 travel days.  Rome is one of those cities where you can get by with very little money if you are careful.  My hubby and I were there in Feb/March and without plane fare and hotels we only spent about 1600 dollars.  You can get meals very inexpensively by going to the deli and getting sandwiches or buying a slice of pizza and eating it at the counter.  If you really want to save some money, on your first day by a bottle of water and then refill it from the fountains around Rome for your entire trip.  The water is cold and drinkable.  You will see people doing this all over town.  It's an easy way to save money.  There are only a few pay sites to see in Rome, the colosseum/palatine hill and the baths of caracalla are two that instantly come to mind.  With the exception of museums everthing else to see is free.  You can just wander around the city taking in all the historic sites and it won't cost a dime.  Aside from plane fare, the biggest expense will be your hotel.  You can stay at a hostel for next to nothing or you can find some cheap hotels on  Check out the area by the termini station.  If you take 100 dollars a day, can find a really cheap hotel and walk from site to site, you can do Rome and not break the bank.


  10. at Porto San Giorgio
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