
Whos fault on a icy road?

by  |  earlier

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i had a car accident today, and cops said it was my fault..i wana go to court for that...i was on the side road going around 20 miles per hours because the road was way too icy,but when i hit the break, car slide out to the main road, and a car hit me right on the right front cops said that was my fault ,but i wasnt speed at all,and theres nothing i can do about when the car slide out the road...they gave me a care require ticket after that...i wana take it to court,i just wondering if its worth or not...the answer will be important to please...




  1. Driving too fast for conditions.   From what you stated, that's exactly what you were doing.

  2. If you slid into the path of another vehicle I would think it would be your fault especially if there's a stop sign or traffic light involved and you were unable to stop. That's why we have to approach an intersection super slow so we have plenty of time to stop especially when the roads are icy/snowy.

  3. Contact a shark (oops attorney) in your area who knows about traffic laws and cases. Your insurance company may be able to help with an attorney for no fault or negligence cases.  It can't hurt to ask your agent about it.

  4. If you were going too fast for your brakes to stop you, you

    were at fault even if it was icy.  If your insurance company is

    liable to pay for it, your policy empowers them to litigate on

    your behalf.

  5. any car i've driven if im going that slow even on the iciest roads, pump my brake twice and im stopped withing 5-10 feet so of course its going to be your fault

  6. driving too fast for conditions, failure to maintain control. you are guilty, however! there were extenuating circumstances,       ( the brick)  when you go to court plea no contest you will pay the fine get deferred adjudication (like probation) and if you complete the allotted time with no other traffic infractions the violation will not be recorded on your driving record, good for future insurance rates except for one small problem, if the other driver files a claim against you insurance your rates will go up anyway. that's my best guess as what you could do. you could get a lawyer.

  7. you've pulled out of a junction.  cars on the main road have right of way.  ergo, you're technically at fault.  

    just because you weren't breaking the speed limit doesn't mean you weren't going too fast.  if it's icy, and you need extra braking distance you need to drive slower and brake earlier.  in the eyes of the law, you weren't fully in control of the car.

    look at it the other way round - if you were driving on the main road, would it be your fault if some car slid out of an icy side road?

    these things happen - just be grateful that you're alive and were able to walk away from it.

  8. You were driving to fast for the conditions of the road and you were not in control of your vehicle, so it was your fault and you wont win if you try and fight it.

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