
Whos had fake friends?

by  |  earlier

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i have. and i used to be really mean like when someone would p**s me off i'd make their life he*l but im trying to be nicer now. anyways wht do you people do when your friends turn out to be backstabbers, ditch them anddd....???




  1. this has to do with wrestling how?

  2. what the h**l is your point? does this look like it has anything to do with wrestling-didn't think so.

  3. I have, and I still live with that.

    My "friends" are backstabbers anyway.

    But why is this in the Wrestling section?  

    Wrong Section.  

  4. I used to shoot up their houses or burn up their cars. I only do things like that nowadays if they've done something really horrific. I try to handle things differently now by just walking out of their lives.

  5. I used to be a real snob too. I used to trash people with my friends constantly. I ended up ditching those friends though. They were backstabbers. I told them simply I don't want to be their friend anymore and they said fine. They treated me like c**p but I found time to figure out who my real friends were. Just ditch em and find some friends who like you for you.

    This is the wrestling section btw :)

  6. wrong section

    in life u must give in something  in order for return. if they p**s u off unintenionally then forget it, by gone be by gone. if they p**s u off intetionally then show sympathy and forgiveness, that way the person will notice ur friendly and will respect u more. Once again, If they done it intetionally without any regards of a person feeling, taking advantagesous of ur kindness (not fighting back) then perhaps ditch them, forgiveness is unacceptable. the only way they ll ever learn  
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