
Whos in the delivery room?

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im planning to have my husband and my mom in there. should i have anyone else? i dont want to hurt anyone's feelings. who did you have in the room




  1. It will be my bf, my mom, and myself..........maybe his mom if she wants to be there.

  2. my boyfriend and I are almost 25 weeks pregnant with our first baby, a girl. We are having his mom, my mom, and him in the delivery room.

  3. My husband and I decided since it was our first baby we wanted the birth to be very intimate, just us. After she was born was a different story, there were people in and out all day and night! *I am also really modest and I didn't want any friends or relatives seeing me give birth!*

  4. I am looking at it this way...I will have people in there that "I" want in there.  It is MY body and "I" need to feel comfortable...This is the time that I could care less about hurting people's feelings.

    In fact it is too the point that we aren't even going to tell anyone that I am there until after we are home...unless of course I there is something that happens that is not expected...but we will make the decision if the time comes.

  5. This is our first child, and we have agreed to just my husband and myself.

  6. whoever you feel comfortable with there

  7. my husband and I.   That is our special time together with the baby.   Also i wouldn't let anybody come to the hospital with my 2nd baby till after the first had time to meet him  

    Just food for thought

  8. For both of my children, I only had my husband in the room, along with the doctor and all of the nurses.

    I think that this is a very personal time in someone's life and it really depends on how many people you want to see you in the state of pain, joy, and such that you will be in.

    I think that the less, the better. That is just me. I am a very private person when it comes to things like birthing my child.

    I think your mother and husband should be the only ones. You won't hurt anyone's feelings. They should understand. They can always come and visit afterwards.

  9. doctor

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