
Whose religion do the kids take?

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Suppose that both parents r different religions and both are firm believers that their kids should be their religions. How do parents decide? I mean this isn't an easy thing to talk someone out of. and there is more than being a gentleman and picking ur wifes.




  1. As young children I would expose them to both religions.  When they are old enough, let them choose.

  2. Depends on the religion.  Some religions no matter what the children are to be raised in that religion and others you pick.  I have known couples for example where one is catholic and the other Jewish and the children are usually raised catholic but taught about the jewish religion too.  I think if two people are both seriously committed to their own religion then it would just make it extremely hard on the kids to know which religion is "right" but people do it.  I know my boyfriends ex-wife is Wicca and he was raised Baptist I think and they had some issues to face at first too then she decided to give his religion a try and that didn't go so well.  

  3. Anyone with sense talks this issue through and comes to a resolution before they marry and have kids. Two people of different faiths who believe their children should be brought up according to THEIR religion ONLY will end up divorced due to incompatible views. Plenty of people have bi-faith marriages that work, but they've come to a decision before marriage. Either the more religious parent passes takes charge of the religious education and the other parent gives way, or they incorporate both religions and allow the kids to enjoy the best of both worlds. My parter and I have different religious views, but our overriding belief is that religion is a personal thing and we should teach our kids about all religions so they have the information to make an educated decision when the time comes.

  4. Teach them parts of both, and when they're old enough they can decide.

  5. I don't think people who are firm believers in their religions should marry someone who believes something that is very different.  It is always going to lead to fights and tension and problems.  This is one of those fundamental differences that you just can't get past.  

    But lets say that it is the situation.   Obviously, you respect each other's religious couldn't stay with someone in this situation otherwise.  So, you raise them with both religions.  You take the kids to both places of worship, one one week(or whatever) and the other the next week (or whatever).  You celebrate both sets of holidays in the home, and you NEVER express to your children that one way is right and the other is'd only be teaching your kids to disrespect your partner and his or her beliefs if you did this.  Instead, you raise them with study and knowledge of both and let them decide when they come of age...and you respect their beliefs as well.

  6. Parents usually discuss this before they have children

  7. Huh?

    I would not be unequally yoked. However the children should learn about both  so they can make there own choice when they get older.

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