
Whre do monsoons usually originate?

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If Africa spaws Atlantic hurricans, where do the Pacific ones usually begin and why?




  1. monsoon is a seasonal prevailing wind which lasts for several months. The term was first used in English in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and neighboring countries to refer to the big seasonal winds blowing from the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in the southwest bringing heavy rainfall to the region.

    In hydrology, monsoon rainfall is considered to be that which occurs in any region that receives the majority of its rain during a particular season. This allows other regions of the world such as North America, South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Australia and East Asia to qualify as monsoon regions. In terms of total precipitation and total area covered, the monsoons affecting the Indian subcontinent dwarf the North American monsoon. The South Asian monsoon affects a larger number of people due to the high density of population in this part of the world.

  2. Monsoons originate in the Equatorial Pacific. It is a result of heating of Pacific waters and when the moisture laden winds approach South-East Asian and Indian peninsulas swing landword as SW monsoon. Due to the existing Orography (North South alignment of mountain ranges) the precipitation is heavy on the western and southern sides of the land-mass. There are rain-shadow regions behind these mountains (like Western Ghats of South India). North America's margins on Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean Sea and Northern Australia exhibit mild monsoon climate.

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