
Whta is the point of PETA?

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call me ignorrant bt i think they're just a bunch of hippies looking for something to gripe about. As a joke someone told me it meant People(p) Eating(e) Tasty(t) Animals(a). I cracked up.




  1. I think a lot of the PETA members have good intentions and truly care what happens. Yet most of the PETA news circulates around the very extreme people that make their organization look very radical.

  2. You are basically right.  They do very little besides raise awareness of how crazy they are.  And put down lots of animals in their shelter.

  3. Were you laughing so much you forgot how to spell? Have a look on their website, and you will see what the point is.

  4. PETA is an organization that tries to stop animal abuse.

    There is a lot of resistance to helping animals in some ways (like urging people to quit eating them) and so they have, in some cases, gone to extreme measures. Also, the media FEEDS on anything and everything they can, in my opinion, so no matter the organization, if they can get people's jaws to drop they will find the worst and most extreme thing and air that- forget all the members of PETA who try to educate in other ways (like explaining to people and not throwing paint).

    Personally, I'm glad there is an organization out there who could get some media attention to say "Hey, this isn't right!". I'm glad someone out there has the courage to do something extreme- if that is what it takes. I am not and was never a person to throw paint on someone's fur but I think paint hurts the fur a lot less than killing an animal- seems more logical to be upset over the loss of a life than the loss of something superficial.

    Anyways, there have been extreme movements for a long time. If people didn't hide slaves through the underground railroad or have certain leaders speak up for minorities or laws to help people with disabilities, etc and so forth- well my point is- someone has to stand up and do something for someone/something else when others can't/won't. Some times...that movement appears extreme until it is more widely accepted.

    Check out more about an organization before you make too many assumptions. A lot of people out there of bad views of vegetarians/vegans but until they get a clearer view through experience and education- their assumptions or generalizations could be very wrong based on maybe one bad experience or lack of knowledge.

    Ok, I've moved far away from the question. PETA is an organization to help educate people about the suffering of animals' lives, to find ways to stop animal cruelty through various efforts including videotapped undercover investigations, protests, and education- from what I can tell.

  5. PETA's mission is to help prevent and reduce animal suffering, just as some organizations exist to prevent child abuse or poverty. The organization believes that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment.

    I don't agree with everything PETA does. But when you look at some of their undercover videos of animals being tortured  in laboratories, slaughterhouses, fur farms, etc., you can see why PETA is so motivated to stop animal cruelty.

    There are many serious problems in the world, and animal cruelty is one of them. Overall I'm glad that organizations like PETA exist.

  6. To ruin fur coats with red paint so the owners have to go out and buy new fur coats.  And the trappers can clonk more baby seals over the head.

  7. This isn't even a question. Think what you like, personally I don't support or oppose PETA. I don't have any strong opinions on them.

    Oh, and try harder next time- we have all heard the People Eating Tasty Animals thing, and to be honest, it's getting pretty lame.

  8. They are supossed to investigate and stop cruelty to animals. I personally think they sometimes go a bit far. They want us to create a utopia for animals that doesn't exist. We can't keep every animal on the planet from ever getting hurt...or eaten for that matter. I would love to join an organization that supports the ethnical treatment of animals but PETA is a little too much for me.

  9. PETA started out humble and noble. But as the years go by, it is becoming extremist and frankly, borderline terroristic. In fact, it lends financial, legal and logistical support to two domestic terrorist gropus as identified by the FBI, ALF and ELF. Both are animal rights/environmental groups credited by the feds as having committed more than 600 criminal acts since 1991.

    It's purposes nowadays is mixed from rescuing animals to proposing genocide of whole species/breeds of animals (the Pitbull for example) to "growing" meat in testubes for human consumption. While it's overall intentions might still be good, ethical treatment of animals, it's methods are becoming extremely radical, coercive, counter productive and downright insane.

    No wonder it's membership has not grown significantly despite increasing public awareness of the issue of animal rights. many dedicated animal rights activists are in fact against PETA. It's actions also turn off potential activists.

    Ask yourself this question: What would PETA officials and administrators be doing if PETA did not pay their salaries? How would they earn a living without PETA and it's "donors"/members?

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