
Whta is your biggest flaw?

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I have too high of expectations. And I'm judgemental towards those who aren't as open minded as I am. Yours? =)




  1. Boy that is an oxymoronic statement.....???? You say that you are judgmental towards those that aren't as open minded as you? Hmmmmm........ Are you open minded, or are you opened minded towards people that think like you?

    Anyway, being judgmental is a heavy cross to bear. I have had, and still have that issue. We all base our opinions of people and their actions based on our own perspective. The difficult thing to remeber is that it is "our" perspective.

    I would have to say that we share that trait , and unfortunately, it isn't a very appealing one.

  2. i can't say no. & im way to nice to people, and they're always taking advantage of me /:

  3. I have low expectations, that's why I spend so much time on YA!

  4. I'm too logical. I see the world as math formulas and probabilities.

    There are people who wonder, what type of flaw is that, but if I see something is useless I won't do. For example, there was the A.P. cal test, that I just said to h**l with because there was no good education to the course.

    Another flaw I have, which can be inferred is that I'm not emotional. This is strange because I have personally doubts of my full mental sanity (not like crazy lady in a white suit) but I do think I have a mild case of bipolar disorder.

    Even with that point, I'm not an emotional person. I carry no emotional contradictions and I try my hardest not to do things because they 'fell' right or wrong, but look at the realistic truth value.

    Another flaw of the many others, is that I'm too much of a realist and come off extremely negative at times. I have a conversation about this at school.

    But I don't find my self as negatively and I think I do balance out with my quality of being a free thinker, having an open mind, and having to hear a good logical non bias argument from the pro and con before I come to my own conclusion. And I love the beauty of the universe.

  5. Hmmmm I would have to say my biggest flaw is being perfect!

    Now I will wait for all the thumbs-down!

    Seriously,  I can be judgemental too, and will echo Emily's comment insofar as I often will treat others better than myself as well.

    Learning how to say "No" has helped with the latter quite a bit of late.

  6. i can be over-confident yet have a low self-esteem.

    i am too picky with guys but then want a boyfriend.

    the one guy i am falling for hard is the only guy that doesn't seem to show any interest.

    I admit to being judgemental but then doesn't want to be judged.

    sorry did you only want ONE flaw? haha

  7. I treat others better than I treat myself - - too often

  8. I wish I had a girlfriend.

    It's not that I'm not getting offers haha I just don't know how to deal with them.

  9. My biggest flaw is not being able to tolerate people I perceive as perpetrating a moral injustice against others.

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