
Why Can't I Stay Focused?

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ever since I was a kid there was something wrong with me... i can't focus on anything. my teachers would complain to my parents that i'm constantly daydreaming. my train of thought is always jumping from place to place and when I'm trying to argue with someone i get confused and my words start to jumble up... why is this? I don't think its ADHD because i'm not hyper or anything.

it's really tearing me up because people are always calling me stupid.. i don't want to be considered stupid.




  1. You need to jump start your brain, it looks like a nutritional deficiency. Your brain is a power house for every thought and every action, even if you eat everyday, not eating the right stuff can slow down your thought process. The best way is to get some supplements that help your brain get focused. If you do only one thing of the many things I will tell you do this one you should really do. Buy a B-complex (B-Vitamins) at your local vitamin store (like vitamin shoppe and see if GNC has any, very common). This has helped me a lot. The next things also help boost your brain...


    -Soy Protein/ Amino-Acids


    -Fish Oils (EPA/DHA)

    -Multi-Vitamin (not centrum, try ones with vitamin shoppe or GNC logos)

    -Eat more Soy

    -Have a regular sleep schedule...dont go to sleep late

    -Excercise** very important, gets your mind going, there was an article on newsweek that excercise helps boost metal alertness and focus

    Ginseng Herb

    (you dont have to take all of these at the same time, just choose a couple of supplements)

    Drink a lot of water

    Eat less of...



    Soda/Caffeine (bad for your mind)

    Processed foods (eat more natural foods, vegetables and whole grains and if you do them right, they will taste great, the secret is in whos cooking your meals)

    Try learning something new, keep a new instrument (find the supplements)

    Just keep your body right and your mind will work wonders...have any more questions you can e-mail me on my main profile, remember nutrition can cure and prevent many things that seem chronic

    you should still check with a professional if you dont want to do it on your own but in life someone talks about medication know that there are natural alternatives, just do things that you love to do...focus on that...

  2. could be just ADD, look up the symptoms for that

  3. You could have ADD, but I don't think you should take any medication for it, because it might s***w your brain up even more. I say you should try to sleep more early before the night of school, eat healthy food (not synthetic c**p that companies put in their products), and don't think about what kind of symptom you have: just try to stay focused.

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