
Why Do Chicago Sports Teams Suck?

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White Sox





All of these teams have not won a championship in over a Million years and by the way things looks, it will be another Million or so years before they will win another championship. The owners are horrible cheap b******s, the City of Chicago has some horrible sports teams despite the City being one of the best places to live. Why is this town crused with such horrible teams and horrible sports fans who are some of the most rude and horrible people I have ever met.

being a sports fan here makes me want to jump off the Sears Tower or move to a dump like New York City. At least that town won a championship within the past 2 Billion Years.




  1. first, i dont know what fans you have met, cubs fans, bulls fans, hawks and fire fans all are going out in record numbers, and always have. bulls cubs and bears have season long sellout streaks.

    second, the only cheap owner in this town is angelo from the bears, but with the modern salary cap on teams, spending millions isnt likely, especially since he is a cheap skate.

    third, the hawks, the cubs, the bulls and bears have all made huge siginings the past few years, not exactly being cheap

    the bears from 1985 are one of the best teams ever. they played in a different era. if the rules proteccting players and qb's werent around today, the 85 team would still destroy offenses. they were the first team to ever use the cover 2 and nobody has ever replecated its usefulness.

    and trying to compare any team to the jordan era bulls is not possible, an athlete of his caliber never comes along often, let alone with the support that jordan had. those were good TEAMS with jordan headlining.

    frankly if you wanted to jump off the sears tower i think the city would be glad, this is the type of fandom that does the city and its sports teams no good.

  2. Jon Walker is not pleased.

  3. The athletes are too busy hittin' the town, Chicago is an awesome place, therefore instead of practicing they're all having fun, haha.

  4. uhhhhh are you forgetting the historic chicago bulls?????which bred 1 of the worlds best athletes   michael jordan

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