
Why Does My Puppy Randomly Bark?

by  |  earlier

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he is 15 weeks old and is still really energetic and playful but sometimes while he chillin out, he will just bark. with no reason at all. he will walk past him bowl sometimes and bark. or he can just be following me and will bark. i look around and dont see any reason why he would bark but he does. sometimes he just barks at thee tv. is there any reason why he feels the need to be vocal for no apparent reason? is this a sign or does it mean something?




  1. maybe he's excited..

    but u better start training this puppy to not be vocal as soon as possible. It seems to me that this puppy will be vocal.... and disturb everyone..

    try to find in the website on how to train your puppy to not be vocal~ they have lots of good tips

  2. Dogs hearing trigger barking. They are very in tune to whats going on around them. Hes still a puppy so hes probably just barking for any little thing.

  3. i dont think theirs anything wrong he might just hear noises outside or something that you dont hear.  I have a male westie and he does that sometimes but hes trying to bark at any little noise he hears.  Dogs ears are more sensitive than humans are so maybe thats the problem.  I would say don't worry about it to much unless it gets really bad then you could ask the dogs vet about.  I send my best wishes!

  4. maybe to get attention. if this is the problem then ignore your puppy when it barks and only pet it when its quiet.

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