
Why Does everyone hate the patriots?

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how are they to good they have the same exact rules as everyone else in the NFL and i really want to know something, if the colts went 16-0 would you hate them?




  1. I dont hate the Patriots. I hate their bandwagon fans. :P  

  2. they cheat a lot.

  3. because the pats run up the score, they have the best qb - wr passing game since joe montana and jerry rice and they are simply too d**n good to b true.

  4. The FACT is this... Im just soo tired of hearing about the patroits, this and that. and becuase i dont like boston

  5. Atleast the Colts would not have done it under the suspicion of cheating, thats why people hate them. the ONLY way to rectify it is if the ENTIRE coaching staff if fired, and the franchise was sold and eliminated from the NFL.

  6. 1.  They cheated

    2.  They are arrogant

    3.  They are from Boston which happens to have the best football, baseball and basketball teams.  If you're from another part of the country its enough to drive you insane!

    4.  Too many bandwagon fans

    5.  They are all over the media.  I think less people would hate them if they lost a game early in the year because then they wouldn't be all over the media the way they were last year.

  7. I hate their coach thats why i hate them, but a lot of people hate them because they are really good and unless you are a fan of that team or you are a bandwagon jumper, you normally hate them. (yankees, Lakers a few years ago)

    and people hate them because they got caught cheating.

  8. I don't hate the Patriots I hate when they compare Brady and Manning to Favre.  When they compare Brady and Manning to Favre it would be like comparing Favre to Joe Montana when Favre was just starting out.  Yes Brady will be one of the greats in time.  And yes he has 4 rings but don't forget the 3 MVPs that farve has and a ring and all the records, NO ONE has done that yet.  I'm sorry to the other teams that the focus of the year has been on Favre and I'm not happy that Favre was traded.  I just want to wish the Jets good luck because they have my hero.  Just wait he'll do stuff you never saw before.  Besides Namath lol!

  9. Whiny, arrogant, bandwagon fans


    Overrated media darlings

    Cheating scandal

    Dirty players like Harrison, Wilfork, and Seymour


  10. There too good.

  11. They cheat.

  12. Jealousy, If people are so narrow minded to think that the Pats were the only team that cheated they need to open there eyes, They were the ones that got caught period. Kind of like Nixon, was he the only president that was dirty? No he was the one that got caught.  

  13. Because they're good and the fans are loud.

    Those that say "cheating", conveniently forget that this Patriot hating started long before Spygate.

    Colts fans are docile, and no one even knows anyone from Indiana anyway.  Boston fans are living in New York, California, Miami and seen on vacation all over the Caribbean.  I've never seen a Colts jersey outside Chicago airport.

  14. Two excellent reasons. They're arrogant and they Cheated! They sullied the name of Football. They disgraced themselves and their fans. And, as far as the Colts going 16-0, they passed on that a few seasons back because Coach Dungy isn't a egotistical megalomaniac. But if they did go undefeated, I am sure, with Coach Dungy running the show, they wouldn't have resorted to cheating!

  15. Ok ok ok I am an Eagles fan so I can give an outsiders prospective of this whole thing.

    First off,the Patriot haters dont really make a lot of sence.They say the Pats are cheaters and the whole spygate thing,but however several teams have come out and said that in the past they did the same thing("cheated").So why dont they hate the other teams that cheated as well???Why only hate the Patriots?

    Its simple.Jealousy my friend.They are all jealous the Patriots have won so much lately but the media made it the 'cool thing' to hate on them.That and the Pats crushed all their favorite teams.Talk about bein a poor sport.

    Next year when the Pats win the superbowl there will be no "asterisk" to put on them because it will be a whole different season.And the haters can continue b*tching and whining like they always do.

  16. Because they were supposed to be so good and then got humiliated by my Giants.

  17. I don't hate them. I have fond memories of watching them lose to the Bears in 1985....

  18. 1. Started when Bellichek was head coach and smug Weiss was O.C.

    2. Solidified when the "tuck" rule occurred

    3. Continued when Mangini left and Bellichek snubbed him at midfield

    4. Gained steam when they began landing aging discontent veterans (Corey Dillon, Rodney Harrison, Grandpa Seau, Moss)

    5. Built when they were smacked for Spygate

    6. Alive and well today when Bellichek continues to give smug condescending responses to media questions

    7. He clearly does not want to speak to the media, but is too arrogant to allow anyone else to be the team spokesperson

    8. Elitist attitude toward league rules, their interpretation

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