
Why Georgia attacked Osetia?

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Please anybody can explain why Georgia attacked Osetia? Do they want to begin WWIII? Somebody must stop them!




  1. I believe it was to kill South ossetians into submission. They thought that because they want to join NATO that the NATO nations would defend once Russia gets mad. They didn't understand that NATO nations do not have to defend any NATO member if they attack first.  

  2. I think Georgia should not have attacked, it was obvious Russia would get involved again.

    Georgia attacked S.O. because:

    It is still Georgian territory and doesn't matter what Russia says, Georgia had armed(by Russia) paramilitary group over a decade shooting at their villages. Plus the fact that the same paramilitaries drove out local Georgian population in 1991-92. So, simply they are trying to restore their country and so on.

    No sovereign country will tolerate such group on their territory, unless that group is backed by Russia of course.

    There's also another aspect to it. Considering the situation in S.O. main export from that region is drugs and counterfeit dollars.

    The fact that Russia had everything ready for the invasion is also quite suspicious. On the other hand it is Russia and as usual they're always ready for the invasion. Especially now when they have money to start rebuilding the empire. Go figure if they knew about all this or it was just like that.

    Look what Russia did to Chechens in the same period from 1994...

    There's more than enough Russians today who regret "giving up Russian territories" in 90s. If you ask what Russian territories they're talking about, turns out that's Baltic republics, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and basically all of the former Soviet republics.

    The fact that those were independent countries and were conquered by Russia multiple times apparently is what makes them Russian land.

    P.S. Stalin was sending away regardless of nationality.

    And as far as I know, there was no pact in 1992. It just happened that with Russian help Georgian population was forced to leave S.O. That is whoever didn't get killed during national tensions in 1990-92.

  3. Georgia signed a truce in the late 90s, which was broken by them last week.  Their timing of the attempted takeover of their province was calculated, ie, with world's eyes on the Olympics and with the near departure of their supporter in the form of Pres. Bush.  

    Their gamble failed on all counts.  Bush can only give rhetorical support along with a few letters from the UN.  The Georgians will be left high and dry, the same way the Hungarians and Czechs were in the 50's and 60's when they too were calling for western assistance to stop a Red Army clamp down.

  4. Osetia is their own territory, they have every right to move the army into that province.

    Russia has absolutely no right to involve itself in the internal affairs of a sovereign state such as Georgia.

  5. They want to get South Ossetia. They've always wanted it.

    In fact Stalin , a Georgian , used to send Suth Ossetians away, while not touching the Georgians. He probably wanted to clear the space , so that Georgians could capture it afterwards.

    Russia did NOT provoke anyone.

    The Georgians attacked South Ossetia and violated the 1992 pact. Russia decided to go and help defend South Ossetia.

    I know the US media is portraying it like the Russians are the bad guys. But even a Georgian that has been interviewed admitted that in Georgia everybody knows that they were the first to attack and the Georgian tv reported every 30 mins which territories had been taken so far.

    13 August is officially a day of mourning in russia , to commemorate the victims. Flags in Russia will be half-mast and all the entertainment has been cancelled.

  6. They didn't expect Russian forces to go in THAT fast.

  7. Because of worms in the brain of saakaSHITvilli -  the former leader of Georgia.

  8. Saakashvili has failed to unify his country with kind word, and tried to accomplish  that with kind word and the gun.

    btw operation is over Medvedev says Osetia is now relatively secure, and goals of operation are met. There will be no occupation of Tbilisi. Once again rusophobic prophets are screwed. See CNN latest news

  9. They thought they could move in, wipe out the Ossetians, and rely on the NATO countries to force Russia to agree to a cease fire before the Russian army was ready to move into the area.  

  10. Yeah very true, one cannot tell bad guys from good ones.. it is just that locals who suffer the most.

    It is actually the same happening to Georgia, what was happening to Russia in times of Chechen war. Chechnya is a region of Russia, and a  part of the whole country. When it tried to proclaim itself independent- the war broke out.  And all judged Russia of course. Now the same happening in Georgia...Who would judge whom?

    Ja, for  about the argument about Russian territorial claims: take the Ukraine - read the latest history. In fact Crimea has never belonged to that counry and has always been an organic part of Russian Empire since Catherine the Great. It was annexed to the Ukrane about 30-20years ago, when it was still in the USSR. It was just given by a crazy communist leader as a present for the eternal friendship between two socialistic Republics. NO Referendum was held, no reasonable documents subscribed. In Fact one person had no right to do it, neither legal, nor moral....That what Communism was......

  11. Victory to Glorious leader Mr. Putin.It is not for the west to evaluate or approve his actions when he is only resolving a matter of internal security.

    Unlike Bush or Blair or Brown or Sarkozy. Mr. Putin can perceive actual threats and understands the need to safeguard his own people.

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