
Why Is My House So Warm.....?

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It's the strangest thing. Every heater in my house is turned off. Neither of the wood stoves are lit. So no intentional heating source is on in the house. I live in Northern Canada. I heard computers generate heat I have 4 computers but only 1 or 2 desktops are regularly on. The days are sunny and warm like 20 - 25 degrees celsuis, whereas the nights are brisk like 15 degrees celsius, and yet some rooms just get scorching hot. The oven is rarely on and the tap water comes out warm when its set on cold, even when it was on cold last time it still comes out warm. Could someone tell me why my house is so hot and how I can stop it? Thanks




  1. I think that U have a serious plumbing problem! My all electric house did the same thing. The electric bill slipped upward by about 400% and I finally noticed a "hot" floor under the concrete slab in a hall near the water heater.     I shut the water heater off andcalled a plumber. The guy wanted $600 just to come out and use n electronic sensor to pinpoint the location under the slab.  I shut the water off on Friday evening and he did not come out until Monday. By that time the hard dirt under the house plugged up the leak. No sound for the sensor but it still cost $600 !    

    Luckily, I am handy. I just blocked off the broken pipe and added a hot water heater in a closet at the other end of the house!  

    Anyway, use your noodle and good luck. It could also be that somebody hooked up a bathroom or kitchen faucet incorectly. Any work been done in your house lately?  Was it guarenteed?

    Also, computers do funny things. The heat often remains in the room no matter what you do. My central air system just blew into the room from the ceiling, across the xeiling and back into the system in the hall. I finally added a 4" by 20' flexable sewer pipe (for rec. vehicles, about $10 from wal Mart)   and glued it onto the back of the computers where the air comes out. That cured the hot room!

  2. maybe some rooms have more insulation then others(its in the walls)

    open a window inthe rooms i guess. or if your room is painted dark they absorb more light makeing it hotter

  3. For the same reason that a car is hot when it is sitting in the sun with the windows closed. The air temp outside may be cool, but in an enclosed space the room will get considerably warmer from the sunlight. Either get some blinds or curtains to block out the sun or open some windows.

  4. did you leave any heaters on in the basement?

    your house is probably well insulated.

    close the curtains to keep out the sun.

    I have no idea why your cold water would come out warm unless the taps a faulty in some way.

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