
Why am i always nauseous?

by  |  earlier

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I take a birth control called Lybrel and have been taking it for 28 days now. Since monday I have been feeling nauseous usually in the mornings but sometimes through out the day and its still continuing. Does anyone know what this might be?


My doctor cant see me til mid September.




  1. It's probably the hormones in the birth control. They have different effects on different people.

  2. your body doesnt agree with the birth control pills. most likely , it will never go away with that brand. you'll need to try other ones until you get one that doesnt make you sick

  3. nausea could just be a side effect look on your bottle there should be a list of side effects and try to eat something before you take it so that it isn't laying on your stomach.  it also may be constipation look to see if that is a side effect.  

  4. The dosage of the pill could be too strong for you.  When taking birth control you have to go through a few of them before discovering the one that works best for you.  I tried the ring one and the patch one and it had me super sick for the first few months to where now I just stick to condoms.  

  5. It sounds like you're pregnant, but it could also be related to a hormon embalance due to the new birth control.  Good Luck!

  6. Mayb the birth control is defetive & ur pregnant

  7. Maybe you should take a pregnancy test.  Could you have gotten pregnant prior to starting the pills?

  8. Sounds like pregnancy. Do your b*****s feel tender?

    Try going to Wal-Mart (or some other drug store) and picking up

    an EPT ( error proof test ) pregnancy test.

    They're really simple to take, and very accurate...actually most packages come with 2 or 3 tests so that you can be SURE.

    I would take the test first, to see if you're pregnant, since you cannot see your doctor.  

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