
Why am i feeling like this ???????????????/?

by  |  earlier

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I am dizzy, sore throat, tired, hungry 24/7 but i am on birth control is there a way i can still get preggo with an iud type of birth control help




  1. The birth control might be causing your problems. Or the reason you are on it. You may be using s*x as an escape or to avoid facing other problems. See a shrink before you mess up your life beyond repair. If you do see a shrink make sure he/she is ok. References from Dr.s and ex-patients are best..

  2. It is unlikely that you would be pregnant with an iud. Even if you were I would not have thought that the symptoms you have are necessarily pregnancy related. They sound more to me as though you have some sort of an infection. Drink plenty. Best wishes. UK

  3. there is a chance but its slim.  

  4. theres a chance.

    your defenetly pregnant

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